View Full Version : short term memory loss?

03-18-2013, 03:46 PM
I am 38, have a good case of anxiety. Was wondering if anyone has a problem with there short term memory? I can remember things from last year, but 30 minutes ago, sometimes proves to be difficult. Mainly names, titles to songs, books, tv shows, movies, etc.

03-18-2013, 04:00 PM
For me memory is always a problem whether it is past or present. Are you currently on any medication? My doctor tells me that the medication I am on does this to me. Sometimes people need to jog my memory with actions or scenarios that occured at the same time to help me remember things I have done. As for longer memories some are completely lost, like childhood ones. I feel bad sometimes when I talk to my mother and I dont remember certain situations from my childhood that she does. I am hoping once i am off my medication these memories will come back. In the mean time, sticky notes are helpful, or simply asking people to refer to details of that particular day or moment may help you :)

03-18-2013, 06:05 PM
I amnot on any medication, that is what worries me. All my childhood memories are perfect, but the last year it seems, is a blur. I have gotten used to writing it down, or it will never get done.

03-18-2013, 08:35 PM
I often experience memory problems and I am not on any medication either. My memory always seems to get worse with any increase in anxiety. Mostly it's small things like names of actors, or characters in books or movies. It is also usually short term memory and of course I always freak out a little when I can't remember something which increases my anxiety. In my opinion which is definitely NOT an expert opinion more of an educated guess, I think the fact that our brains are prone to think so far ahead and to plan out all of the worse case scenarios hinders our ability to focus on the hear and now, and we are too distracted and "inside ourselves" to focus on things we may deem "unimportant".

03-18-2013, 08:38 PM
Oh and something else I forgot to add, it seems like the more I try to focus on one thing I can't remember or the harder I try to force myself to recall something the more difficult it becomes to remember it. I usually don't remember it until later and I am preoccupied with something else that it will randomly pop into my head in one of those "eureka!" moments.

03-18-2013, 09:01 PM
That is exactly what happens to me! I thought I was getting dimentia at an early age? Mine is more little things exactly like you mentioned, and yes, our brains on anxiety are thinking WAY ahead. I can be having 3-4 conversations in my head at one time, on a regular basis. I have been practicing focusing on one thing at a time, but it is hard.

03-18-2013, 09:06 PM
Yes it can be extremely hard to focus on one thing, that is my main problem lately, I tend to be fine for a little while but the second I stop and let my mind wander I tend to stumble on a negative thought that just snowballs into a huge avalanche of horrible what if scenarios.