View Full Version : physiological reactions...

03-18-2013, 02:49 PM
Im not really too sure what I hope to gain by posting this. I more or less want to know if anyone else has triggers for panic attacks that are similar in nature or maybe just to connect to get how much a PITA this can be. Anyway, I primarily react to physiological cues. My body does something that I perceive as odd... irrational fear kicks in, then becoming hyper vigilant. I then proceed to feel impending fear and heightened physiological symptoms, As with most panic disorders, I spent my fair share on medical testing, swearing I was having a heart attack or some other medical condition when in panic- At times I just feel overwhelmed and feel as something bad is going to happen. Impending dread and doom, even though I can rationally challenge my mind( the thoughts that are contributing to the panic), knowing that I can not maintain the symptoms for longer than 20-30 mins tops. However, I'm sure that suffers know that after that time frame your day just isn't back to normal and peachy.

I think that worst part of the matter is I am a trained master level counselor, licensed and all. Which means that I rationalize the anxiety and the attacks. Most clients that I treat with panic or anxiety issues have a trigger, and exposure therapy can be effective. Up to this point, I have trouble triggering my attacks- no external stimuli that will help. I know that stress and lack of sleep contribute to the attacks and I will have them more frequently in a compromised mental/physical state.

03-18-2013, 03:03 PM
Hey! I too am hyper vigilant when it comes to bodily sensations, particularly if my blood sugar is low and I get that light headed feeling. I also freak out sometimes in social situations which sometimes, but doesn't always trigger panic attacks. It's frustrating as anything, but I try my best to keep them at bay.

03-18-2013, 05:19 PM
Hey! I too am hyper vigilant when it comes to bodily sensations, particularly if my blood sugar is low and I get that light headed feeling. I also freak out sometimes in social situations which sometimes, but doesn't always trigger panic attacks. It's frustrating as anything, but I try my best to keep them at bay.

Don't keep that at bay. Let em rip!

Fastest way to feel better is go and feel the panic come. Wait it out and see that it does nothing at all that hurts you

Uncomfortable but in no way dangerous

The you will start not paying attention to those things so they will start to wave the surrender flag

Go somewhere and when you feel like your getting anxious and stressed, tell your self that you'll leave in 2 or 3 minutes, whatever works for you. That way you won't feel trapped so there is no more pressure

Usually by the time those few minutes pass, the worst is over and you will gain some confidence

Well on your way

03-19-2013, 10:06 AM
I had exactly the same! Been free from this for almost three months now (except for the day after I drink too much alcohol and then it's hellish).

Google "centre for clinical intervention health anxiety" and check out the excellent resources there, I found them invaluable.