View Full Version : Panic attack outdoors

03-18-2013, 12:38 PM
Hi, I'm new to this site and struggling to understand it 😳... I have a question , when havin a panic attack I norm leave where I am a go 2 a " safe place ".... Car , home, work etc but just wondered if anyone has ever had one and stuck it out and not left the situation / place ?
Was it better in the long run , did u freak out , did someone call an ambulance etc etc

03-18-2013, 04:04 PM
That's the deal. If you can manage to never develop phobic avoidance(be leaving), it(anxiety) will dissipate. Easier said than done but there are those who can and many who cannot tolerate the anxiety. Thus the problem. It can be so damn nasty!! :( Alankay

03-18-2013, 04:29 PM
Hi Locksey,
Alan is right the goal is to stay right where you are and "deal" with the anxiety. Like he also said this is no easy task. However leaving where you are suffering does make it worse in the end. Have you ever asked yourself why you need to leave?

03-18-2013, 04:34 PM
Hi Locksey,
Alan is right the goal is to stay right where you are and "deal" with the anxiety. Like he also said this is no easy task. However leaving where you are suffering does make it worse in the end. Have you ever asked yourself why you need to leave?

Because its safer to leave .. I'd feel 2 bad stayin sumwhere and worry what wud happen etc

P.s... I seriously cannot figure this forum out... How do I knw wen sumone has posted a reply and where do I find it ? It's only cuz my email told me that I seen this

03-18-2013, 05:12 PM
That's how you know. An email is sent unless you pop on here and check

03-19-2013, 10:30 AM
Thanx ... Sort of getin the hang of this

03-19-2013, 10:31 AM
Think I'm sort ov getin the gang ov this site .. Thence

03-19-2013, 11:44 AM
Ive just started having attacks! My first one was while i was at work for 12 hrs straight! I had an attack for about 8 of those hrs and it wasn't fun at all!!! Trying to deal with it just seemed to make it worse. I think if i had an out or a safe place i could've calmed myself down

03-19-2013, 12:35 PM
Ive just started having attacks! My first one was while i was at work for 12 hrs straight! I had an attack for about 8 of those hrs and it wasn't fun at all!!! Trying to deal with it just seemed to make it worse. I think if i had an out or a safe place i could've calmed myself down

I've had them since arnd age ov 11yrs old ... Some years bak they were so bad I had to give up wrk and was off for nearly a year ..

03-19-2013, 01:12 PM
I've had them since arnd age ov 11yrs old ... Some years bak they were so bad I had to give up wrk and was off for nearly a year ..

I use to worry as some days it wud feel like I was in an attack all day long and when I asked doctor or googled it , it would say that an attack wud last only so many minutes but psychologist explained that I was having one attack after another and fully recovering frm one b4 goin into another.

I don't like been far away frm my car and tend to not like big open spaces

03-19-2013, 05:13 PM
I know that it does not seem easy. Like if you had a safe place to go you would be fine, however, what if the safe place was in your mind?
In order to beat this thing you have to use your mind AGAINST your mind!
Have you ever died from an attack? No of course not, you are still here! Tell yourself that you will be ok, that nothing bad will happen even if you stay right where you are.
It will never be easy, but it will get easier over time with practice!
I am still trying to master this myself, it is no easy task, but I celebrate every VICTORY, no matter how small!