View Full Version : Relaxing Songs and Artists - Name your favorites :)

03-18-2013, 08:58 AM
Who do you listen to to calm down at the end of the day?
I'll start:
Incubus - the slower songs of course
Slow rap songs (the ones that talk about getting high)
Thrice (Digital Sea, Open Water, and The Whaler are my favorite three songs that are the calmest)

03-18-2013, 10:08 AM
My favourites at the moment are Jake Bugg, Mazy Starr and Enya. X

03-18-2013, 10:26 AM
Ben Harper

03-18-2013, 10:46 AM
I have been calming to Tori Amos and Jason Mraz lately...sometimes some easy classic rock like the Eagles helps me too. :)

03-18-2013, 02:01 PM
Jack Johnson. Everything by him. Him and Eddie Vedder are my favorite artists.

03-18-2013, 02:45 PM
When I was really high strung, any song I like would calm me because I focused on the music and words.

Then when it was over I would think "hey, I feel kind good."

Then I would wonder why I was feeling good until I felt bad

Then I got to enjoy the whole damn thing all over again

Wash, rinse, repeat.

03-18-2013, 03:06 PM
I listen to Loreena McKennit or any other type of Celtic/New Age for relaxation. Oh.. and my favorite band of all time is Queen, so basically anything Freddie Mercury sings calms me down :)

03-18-2013, 03:14 PM
Queen is really unique and all around great music.not my favorite but the vocals are unmatched and the guitar is simply amazing.

03-18-2013, 03:19 PM
When I was really high strung, any song I like would calm me because I focused on the music and words.

Then when it was over I would think "hey, I feel kind good."

Then I would wonder why I was feeling good until I felt bad

Then I got to enjoy the whole damn thing all over again

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Haha same exact thing for me

03-18-2013, 03:24 PM
Love the song "In a Sentimental Mood" by Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. Yeah, its super old, but it is really a mellow song.....

03-18-2013, 03:26 PM
I have been calming to Tori Amos and Jason Mraz lately...sometimes some easy classic rock like the Eagles helps me too. :)

I like the old classic bands too, like the Eagles, some of the songs by REO Speedwagon, Foreigner, Styx, etc.....

03-19-2013, 01:37 AM
What about pink floyd?

03-19-2013, 02:03 AM
Jack Johnson for sure. Also Bob Marley and any country songs

03-19-2013, 02:25 AM
If I absolutely have to use music to calm down I prefer classical music, anything bach or beethoven, fir elise and moonlight sonota are probably my favorites to help me JUST BREATHE and calm down. If I need music to lift my mood lately I have been listening to a lot of Devil Makes Three, Punch Brothers, and First Aid Kit. I know it may seem backwards because a lot of First Aid Kit songs can be quite melancholy, but for some reason it makes me happy to sing along to their music.

03-19-2013, 10:04 AM
Some good song choices here. I listen to Julio Iglesias and unwind with wine. I like Sade too for relaxation.

03-19-2013, 10:36 AM
Ed Sheeran! :D :D

03-19-2013, 10:51 AM
Ed Sheeran! :D :D

I wanna be drunk when I wake uppppppppp.....!!

Brit, how big is Ed in the USA?

03-19-2013, 10:55 AM
Ahhhh! He's not very big here... But I love him..... His voice is SEXAAAAAAY! :p

03-19-2013, 10:59 AM
That's too bad, I think he makes great songs. I hope gets bigger. And why are you lying, it's not his voice you find sexy, you just looooooove gingers :P Haha.

03-19-2013, 11:01 AM
It's the accent. Accents always put American girls' panties in a twist!!! Always!

03-19-2013, 11:01 AM
Led Zeppelin is my go-to band for any mood. Here's two very calming songs from them, so beautiful:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4v-_p5dU34 [The Rain Song]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYpydtdlWxA [Ten Years Gone]

I like some of the other artists people listed! Jason Mraz is very relaxing along with Loreena Mckennitt (I totally used to listen to her and try to belly dance, but I looked like a fool!).

Okay, but anyone feeling down, listen to this song from Jason Mraz. I guarantee it will calm you!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l74d1fmZbw [Life is Wonderful]
Nixon, I think you will like this song. You should listen to it.
I used to wake up with the sun and ride my bike on the beach listening to this song years ago before my anxiety hit.

03-19-2013, 11:07 AM
Mraz is so F'ing good live...!

03-19-2013, 11:14 AM
Mraz is so F'ing good live...!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X_AgLfpndM [Geek in the Pink]. You'd like this, Jesse. Nixon might like it too!
It takes them a minutes to get into it.

03-19-2013, 01:55 PM
YouTube Jessie Ware guys, her voice is so soothing always relaxes me

Una B
04-10-2013, 06:25 AM
Very recently(by which I mean - today : D) discovered this amazing singer Lisa Hannigan.

Most of her songs are very calming, but in a sort of happy way. You know - the kind of music that makes you think:"Everything will be allright."

It's not too upbeat either so it doesn't get you overexcited.

She has this soft and soothing voice, too.(You might know as the female voice from Damien Rice's "9 crimes")

Una B
04-10-2013, 06:26 AM
Oh, also Dia Frampton. (:

04-10-2013, 12:37 PM
Jessie Ware

04-10-2013, 12:42 PM
You already said that Jay :D You having memory loss?

04-10-2013, 01:58 PM
Haha only just realised its the same thread!

04-10-2013, 03:29 PM

04-10-2013, 05:53 PM
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face
Slayer - Necrophiliac

04-10-2013, 06:11 PM
^ Super relaxing, lol.

04-10-2013, 08:17 PM
Alright but for real

Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf; Planet Caravan; Fluff; Solitude
Cream - Outside Woman Blues
Led Zeppelin - Since I've been Loving You

04-11-2013, 10:31 AM
Be Still by The Fray always seems to relax me a little :)

04-11-2013, 10:32 AM
Alright but for real

Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf; Planet Caravan; Fluff; Solitude
Cream - Outside Woman Blues
Led Zeppelin - Since I've been Loving You
Since I've Been Loving You is my favorite song of all time... :)

05-19-2013, 08:16 PM
anything by exitmusic.

05-20-2013, 12:12 AM
For me Sade does the trick 😁