View Full Version : Lack of help out there...a rant

03-18-2013, 08:31 AM
Has anyone else come across the lack of care and help there is out there for anxiety sufferers? I find this so frustrating and just wanted to rant if that is okay!
My GP referred me to receive a CPN but due to constraints, I can't have one. In fact, I had an entire assessment done today only to be told that there was nothing they could do for me because I wasn't planning to commit suicide in the next day or two and I wasn't about to hurl a chair at the therapist!
I have had anxiety, agoraphobia, emetophobia, monophobia and OCD, control issues and low self esteem for thirty years and he penalised me because of my 'brave' personality! (And because of constraints!).
He was a completely colourless individual who just fired questions at me (a junior psychiatrist), told me that it was indeed hard to treat someone who'd had anxiety as long as me (30 years) and that I really shouldn't take 2.5mg of valium every day due to dependency...but of course...they can't help me!
So I get referred back to IAPT, a non holistic government initiative to get people back into work not back to being healthy :) using CBT which is great but doesn't explore the causes so while the symptoms might be eased, the real cause of the anxiety/panic attacks may come back at a later date.
Now if I had something wrong with my back, bet your bottom dollar I'd get more help! :p

03-18-2013, 08:35 AM
One doctor I had told me it was my parents fault for having such bad anxiety and prescribed me Citalopram. He sat there and wrote up a prescription by the time I was done telling him my symptoms. Boy did he screw up good. I had worse anxiety than I did when I saw him cause of it, and it made me moody to the point where I cut myself a few times when I was upset or frustrated. He didn't do a very good job at all.