View Full Version : Heart jumping and miserable

07-04-2007, 10:51 PM
It is the fourth of July and I have been miserable all day.
I am under a tremendous amount of stress because my husband has been ill with a heart condition for six months.
He had two heart surgeries in seven weeks and we just found out that the surgeon botched one up.
Anyway, I have this thing that my heart feels like it is skipping beats or jumping. Can anyone relate?
I have been to a cardiologist and my family doctor who say there is nothing wrong with my heart.

Anyway, for the last three days my heart has been doing this jumping thing. It does it for awhile then can stop for weeks and start again.
It is aggravating and I feel scared when it happens.

I have also had an upset stomach and diarrhea all day.

What a time with friends and family over for a cookout and I am miserable.

I have ativan to take when I get anxious and I was finally able to take one when everyone left.

Any advice?


07-05-2007, 12:45 AM
Hi Jazzmynn,

I can totally relate to you with the heart jumping thing. Mine does the same thing...and it scares the hell out of me. It doesn't hurt at all, but it seems like my heart skips one beat...then all of a sudden there is a thud as it gets back to rythym. Sometimes it can keep doing it for about 15 minutes...but normally it just happens once then goes away. I can go for months without this happening...then unexpectedly it comes back with no warning. It must be extra frightening for you knowing your husband has heart problems. If you have had it checked by a doctor, there is nothing much more you can do. It is obviously just an symptom of your anxiety :(

09-01-2007, 05:32 PM
Hey guys (excuse the late reply).

Sorry to hear about your husband's heart conditions...I hope everything improves there. :)

As for your heart skipping...yeah, I have the same. Have had it over a year now. Its annoying, but not worth worrying about. If you havent already, check in with your doctor, but it sounds like you have PACs or PVCs. Look them up on google and you'll find they're extremely common and offer NO THREAT to your health. Sadly you'll probably have them forever, but on the bright side, once you come to terms with them not being any harm you can really ignore them and get on with life. I hardly notice them now, and when I do, it doesnt scare me, so I can continue to live a good, active life.