View Full Version : Trying to stay positive .....

03-17-2013, 10:45 PM
Hi everyone I know it's been awhile since I posted anything it's because I have been doing really good and feel like much meds are working ..... However I have been off work for 3 days so there has been less stress. However I received a call from a co worker tonight to let me know that our whole department in under investigation as to how we have been taught to sell and price in our department so I am now completely scared to go to work in the morning which is of course preventing me from sleeping..... Which is bad because I have a 9.5 hr shift tomorrow with 85% of it being alone in the bay..... This could make for a very stressful and exhausting day,
I am trying not to complain Or as some say whine but my heart is racing my arms keep going ice cold and I feel like I can't breathe....... After having such a great weekend with no attacks it's unnerving that I am now feeling this way .......
The fears our consuming me on top of some concerning news I received about my dad tonight as he is my best friend I now find my mind traveling all over the place with his health issues and it is to consuming me as I can't stop working to take care of him as I did for my mom grandma and him over the last year and half. And the mistress now of work not knowing what is gonna happen tomorrow is crazy feelings in my whole body.

I wish I could just turn off my mind

03-17-2013, 11:12 PM
Hi weary. Sorry to hear about your bad news. Glad u have been doing good though. Love to hear it. I use to constantly worry about things at work too. Now I really don't because what's the worse that could happen ? I get fired. Oh well,
I was looking for a job when I found this one so.....anyways they always go after the bosses when there is a headhunt.