View Full Version : Tips/Resources To Get Over Hypnophobia (Sleep Anxiety)?

03-17-2013, 08:26 PM
Forgive me guys, if I have posted this before. I think I may have.

Unfortunately, Anxiety has taken something I always loved away from me... sleep.
Before my anxiety got out of hand, I loved sleep. I used dreams for creativity and I loved that feeling of drifting off into unawareness and rest.

Now it causes me to be on constant alert and uneasy. I hate it.

I've been afraid to sleep for numerous reasons but the most recent fear is of dreaming. I guess it's cause I have dreams that seem very real and detailed and seem to last a long time.

And these dreams are not inherently scary or disturbing! If I didn't have anxiety I'd rather enjoy them.

Idk what to do! Everyone has to sleep.. I just want to be in love with sleeping again.

Anyone have any tips/resources specifically for sleep anxiety? I know I'm not the only one here who has experienced it.

Xanax helps... so does Zolpidem (Ambien), but in the long run they'd just make the problem worse as you get REM rebound when you stop. I've experienced REM rebound... it makes you wake up feeling like you've slept for 50 years. Last time this happened to me I didn't have anxiety at the level I have now, so it wasn't bothersome, but that would be weird now.

Thanks guy! God Bless