View Full Version : Anxious to see my gf again when I wasn't before?? Please help!!

03-17-2013, 08:19 PM
This may be a long post but i need someone who is caring and understanding to please, PLEASE, help.

Starting Tuesday I've been having bad digestive problems I think it could be IBS which is linked to my anxiety, but I have a doc appointment tomorrow to try and figure that out.

It has definitely effected my mood and anxiety, I was even very depressed for a few days but what really gets to me is, whenever I think about seeing my gf again I get a really anxious feeling in my body and my stomach even acts up.

Before any of this started happening I was extremely happy with my gf. She's my best friend and our relationship is very healthy and happy. She's very understanding and supportive and I plan to have a long happy future with her.

SO, I just don't understand why now since I've been sick everytime I think about seeing her again I get anxious?? Is it just simple nerves?

I desperately don't want my anxiety to ruin my relationship cause I don't know what I'd do without her. If anyone has experienced this can you tell me? Its not fair, I was perfectly fine before. I never would have thought this would happen. Please someone reply :(

03-17-2013, 08:41 PM
This may be a long post but i need someone who is caring and understanding to please, PLEASE, help.

Starting Tuesday I've been having bad digestive problems I think it could be IBS which is linked to my anxiety, but I have a doc appointment tomorrow to try and figure that out.

It has definitely effected my mood and anxiety, I was even very depressed for a few days but what really gets to me is, whenever I think about seeing my gf again I get a really anxious feeling in my body and my stomach even acts up.

Before any of this started happening I was extremely happy with my gf. She's my best friend and our relationship is very healthy and happy. She's very understanding and supportive and I plan to have a long happy future with her.

SO, I just don't understand why now since I've been sick everytime I think about seeing her again I get anxious?? Is it just simple nerves?

I desperately don't want my anxiety to ruin my relationship cause I don't know what I'd do without her. If anyone has experienced this can you tell me? Its not fair, I was perfectly fine before. I never would have thought this would happen. Please someone reply :(

I think it is just your anxiety acting up. I have similar experiences with my girlfriend. And if we're not getting along, my anxiety gets so bad that I feel like I'm gonna die. So I told her that I love her but that I won't respond to arguments anymore.

03-17-2013, 09:18 PM

IBS and anxiety are sisters. Give yourself time to work through the anxiety. Worrying isn't helpful, so practice healthy habits instead.
