View Full Version : random fear and question for the night

03-17-2013, 07:38 PM
Ok so I'm on my way to work another third shift and doing my positive pep talk before I go in, just telling myself I can handle this and there's nothing wrong with me and bam there's a twinge/pain in my head and of course my first thought is "oh God no I have a tumor, I'm going to die soon." So my question is why in the world am I such and extreme fatalist? Every time I have a random pain or even a twinge I instantly KNOW I have cancer or that I'm having a stroke! Ugh sooo freaking annoying.

03-17-2013, 09:19 PM
Practice accepting the pains and you'll be better in no time!


03-17-2013, 10:45 PM
Sakura, I am the same way.

I think that perhaps my issues are rooted in watching (over the past five years) individuals close to me die, the most recent being my grandfather of metastasized colon cancer. I think I am afraid of being diagnosed with something incurable, and outside of my control.

I found that writing about my symptoms and fears in a notebook helped to qualm my fears for a while, especially at night, when all my thoughts are racing madly and I don't know if I'll get to sleep...maybe that will work for you. ✌

03-19-2013, 10:28 AM
Try googling "centre for clinical intervention health anxiety" and you will find excellent information there with modules you can work through.

I suffered the same for two years before this helped me overcome the feelings.

I had these feelings for two years and yet I didn't die. I feel as if I wasted two years.

Just remember, it won't get any better unless you do something about it!

Love and Peace