View Full Version : Head things

03-17-2013, 07:30 PM
I've been posting about how I get these weird head tingling things. They are very strange but they make me wanna move my head from side to side to make it go away. I've been told they are nervous tics. It's get my throat so tight. It's almost like I have restless leg in my head. It's so scary

03-17-2013, 10:35 PM
Smoore- I have these feelings when I am stressed or on edge or just before my cycle ..... Which is when everything really goes haywire. They are very scary feelings. I have found if I find something to refocus on the weird feelings I get tend to go away. You have to try and stay positive and reassure yourself it's just the anxiety and that you will not allow the anxiety to beat you.
My latest is belly breathing while standing I can't do it lol so I find myself focusing on getting my belly to move opposed to my chest and before I know it the feelings are gone :)
Stay positive my friend you can beat these weird feelings

03-18-2013, 12:53 PM
Weary I love when you answer my post I feel like we are a lot alike. I get that belly breathing a lot when I'm not feeling like I'm going to have a seizure lol. Sometimes it seems so silly but yet sometimes it's so scary:) I usually have to redirect my thoughts with the belly breathing. I sometimes feel like I can't breath.

03-19-2013, 10:16 AM
Hey the breathing thing works very well! I recommend anyone with anxiety gives it a go!!

03-21-2013, 02:39 PM
Could you explain how you do belly breathing again? Nothing seems to be working for me and I am afraid I am having a seizure cause of the tingling in my head and tremors.

03-21-2013, 03:13 PM
Does the tingling cause you to stretch or move your head a lot? I always think I'm having a seizure. Belly breathing is you breath in through your nose and let your belly expand as much as you can...then breath out through your mouth as long as you can..do it laying down though bc you sometimes can get lightheaded :)

03-22-2013, 03:58 AM
Does the tingling cause you to stretch or move your head a lot? I always think I'm having a seizure. Belly breathing is you breath in through your nose and let your belly expand as much as you can...then breath out through your mouth as long as you can..do it laying down though bc you sometimes can get lightheaded :)

Yes I move a lot so to shake it off but I am really afraid of having a seizure. I get very dizzy, lightheaded and I have been suffering from tension headaches and neck stiffness for some time now. Doctors say its anxiety. I hope it is but it is very scary and it happens to me daily even while doing the easiest tasks :(

03-22-2013, 04:47 AM
Yes I move a lot so to shake it off but I am really afraid of having a seizure. I get very dizzy, lightheaded and I have been suffering from tension headaches and neck stiffness for some time now. Doctors say its anxiety. I hope it is but it is very scary and it happens to me daily even while doing the easiest tasks :(

Sentinelle - listen to your docs if you can. They are not lying to you.

If they say you are physically fine, don't find a reason to think they're wrong.

So knowing that, next time you think you are going to have a seizure, think to yourself that this is a symptom. And me thinking the worst is also just a symptom

Regarding your belly breathing, think of it as not chest breathing. Belly breathing doesn't have to be done just laying down to relax

It can be normal breathing but just feel your belly moving in and out instead of your chest doing the same.

Shallow chest breathing causes your blood vessels and muscles in your chest to constrict and if I was a blood vessel, that would make me angry.

Virtually all the chest pains, heart palpitations, tingling, etc.... are caused by these pissed off vessels and muscles

Not chest breathing shallow breaths makes them all happy and they want to have a party to make you feel good

Try it and watch those symptoms leave

Keep your strength