View Full Version : Ptsd?

03-17-2013, 03:28 PM
Removed for privacy

03-17-2013, 04:08 PM
I am so sorry to hear your story. Very sad.

Understandably, you a re going through a lot of stress which is causing some physical symptoms

First and foremost, yes you can and will get better. When we are highly stressed and anxious it feels like you will never pull out of this

Great that you went to the doc and had a,clean bill of health. So there is nothing wrong. Your physical symptoms are coming from your reactions to the thoughts you are having

When you feel them come, you try to fight them or push it away, hitch makes it even worse

I don't believe anyone has ever fought and beat anxiety

People get well when they realize what it is, the symptoms it causes and not reacting to it

Feel it come and let it go. It always goes anyway, don't react to it and let it go away quicker

There are lots if people here with the same symptoms.

There are also a lot of people here that have gotten well and continue to post to show that everyone can live with this disorder with few problems

You are certainly not alone

03-17-2013, 04:37 PM
Your not going crazy at all, you poor woman your story sounds awful xxx focus on the good like trying again for a baby. You may be talking yourself into some symptoms or indeed giving yourself the symptoms. I read once about a man that got locked in the back of a van refrigerator , he wrote down all the signs he was getting of hyperthermia, the thing was the fridge wasn't even on but his brain talked his body into having hyperthermia. There could be a medical reason for one of your problems but also it could be your brain doing this as a mechanism of dealing with ur stress x either way your going to be ok. Strong positive thoughts xxx