View Full Version : At what point, if you have

03-17-2013, 08:33 AM
Did you just stop and say "these symptoms are in my head" I've been reassured that I am fine

I no longer need to worry

03-17-2013, 09:02 AM
Yes i just started saying that to myself. Even though i know that there is a slight chance of my fears to come true. But i can't no longer live like this. It is my second day that i have no symptoms of anxiety whatsoever. I still think about what scares me the most, but no physical symptoms.

03-17-2013, 09:17 AM
"The menu isn't the meal."

What I mean by that, is look at what something is, and not the symbols.

Panic attacks, and fear, they are symbols. They aren't what's real, like the menu isn't whats real. Both are just trying to tell you something.

What they are trying to tell you is, your body is overworked, and at a point where it needs to let go and recover.

It takes time, but once you can stop looking at all the scary symbols and fears, and see them for what they are; something pointing you towards the direction of needing to calm down, and understand yourself better, you can just go right on with getting to work.

The reason you feel so lost, and are unsure of where to go, is because you are looking too long at the finger, and not what it is pointing towards.

(Damn! I've become Nixon! Oh no, wait... He uses double spacing now...)