View Full Version : Pulse

03-17-2013, 03:07 AM
All my anxiety is centered now around my pulse rate. My Bp use to be an issue but everytime I check it now its fine. Anxiety has jumped to my pulse rate and won't go away. I find myself constantly checking it and if its high at all I breathe deep and slow to lower it. I don't want it to get high so I play it safe and don't exercise much or do physical activities. I really miss doing all these things. My resting pulse when relaxed is around 60-68 but when in panic mode it's been 150-170. Never had any real chest pain when it's high like that. I have had pvcs but not very often. I can feel my pulse in my face sometimes when I try or exhale deeply and don't inhale. I can cross my hands together and feel my pulse too. Pretty much all over my body. But my pressure is good. 120/80. I want to quit checking it so much but can't and checking it is usually what sends me into panic mode. Docs tell me I'm fine but want to try me on atenolol. I would have no issue trying it if my resting pulse when relaxed wasn't good at 64. I'm iffy about taking it bc I don't want my pulse to get too low and have some kind of heart lock or something.

03-17-2013, 12:50 PM
Damn I also freak out about my pulse and check my BP all the time and it sends me into panic too but it's always good. Though my heart rate is always around 70 when realxed I hope that's not really bad but I guess I'm always anxious. I miss doing physical activities I used to play volleyball but stopped last year due to the anxiety. I also feel my pulse rate all the time and when I go up the stairs or put my head down and up fast I can feel the pulse increasing and I can feel it in my neck and head too! I don't know whether you should take beta blockers but if your doctor says so I hope it works. I'm paranoid when taking medication! Take Care

03-17-2013, 12:55 PM
Feel the same here I can't stop checking my heart rate or blood preassure even in the festivals I ask the rescuer to take it so imagine , I wish I can be bak in the volleyball courts but this thing is driving crazyyyy but ima keep fighting we all have to overcome this we got thiss

03-17-2013, 04:38 PM

I have been suffering from anxiety for a while now (well at least I hope that's all it is) and I came across this post and just had to sign up to reply to it because this is exactly what I am going through at the moment.

My anxiety started a few years back but after a while I managed to work my way out of it and didn't really suffer from it for some time. However, about 6 months ago it came back and I was once again having a rapid heart rate (when I thought about it, not just out of the blue) and heaps of anxiety. However to cut it short, now I have gone past the times I have a racing heart and am left with just constantly checking my heart rate even though it's at a fine rate usually 60-72 bpm and last time I was at my doctors he told me my blood pressure was fine. I am also left with this worrying feeling that I'm going to die from a heart attack or something ect. Like mentioned above my heart still races whenever I do something that makes me nervous or say walking up a big hill or stairs but no other times but I see that as your mind/heart racing when you are doing something you are really anxious about and you're making your heart race more.

If anyone has any answers to get passed this as it seems to be something a lot of us are struggling with that would be great. I see it myself as a sort of after shock of having anxiety attacks. Like the body is starting to get back to some what normal but you are still in constant fear that something is wrong with you. I say this because right now I feel like I did back when I got out of having anxiety attacks last time. To be honest I never really got over the feeling that something was wrong but for nearly 2 years I didn't have any racing heart episodes, only when doing something nerve racking and was able to have a some what normal life including holding down a job and even public speaking :-) at times.

I start a new job tomorrow that involves social interaction. Although it is volunteer work so I don't really care if it doesn't work out, I hope it all goes well and I don't have any attacks. Hope my comments help a bit.

03-19-2013, 10:36 AM
Hi all!

I have put this info on several threads on this forum, but I am going to put it here again. After two years of this, I have now recovered and live a normal life.

Ask yourself how long have you noticed these 'symptoms'? Have you died from them yet? Then you probably won't the next time you feel them.

Google "centre for clinical intervention health anxiety" and follow the modules available. It worked for me, almost instantly!

I just want to tell everyone because if I can help even just one other person then it's been worth it!

You can all get over this!

Love and Peace