View Full Version : Could this be codependency?

03-16-2013, 06:49 PM
Ok sorry this story may be a bit long so I apologize now. I have a male friend who I care for a lot. We are best friends but did stupidly cross a line but have remained best friends. We talk everyday by instant messaging and try to meet up once a month. He is bi polar and last week he decided he had to disappear for a while as that's his way of dealing with it. When he was gone I missed him like crazy and felt really low. I was googling bi polar and found codependent relationships and started panicking. I have major OCD so then this started going around and around in my head. Then on Thursday my grandad passed away and I've been having panic attacks since. But the horrible thing is now the thought of my friend is also causing me to have panic attacks....I can't understand it....I'm now seeing him as a negative thing which I don't want. Can anyone explain to me what is happening...I feel I'm going mad. I don't like these attacks and the doc has given me diazepam, I am also on citalopram. Any advice would be great. Sorry this is so long!!!

03-17-2013, 07:48 AM
Anything that stresses or bothers you can cause increased anxiety. Don't over analyse it. Stay on the ssri and/or ask about luvox as it's the first choice AD for OCD but any ssri can help. I'd disregard the codependent thing if you can. I mean, who knows. Alankay