View Full Version : The most bizarre feelings ever - can you help?

03-16-2013, 10:34 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm sure there are a million of these topics already, so I'l try and keep it as brief as possible.

I've been experiencing chronic depersonalisation and derealisation, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 2 years and 2 months.

I'm working on finding the root cause and working out how I'm going to defeat this condition and move on with my life, but what really concerns me is a few symptoms that have appeared around a year into this whole nightmare.

The symptoms are physical, and they are only ever on the RIGHT side of my body. Now when I say only ever, I really do mean only ever... I have never felt even the slightest discomfort on my left side. It almost feels as if I am split down the middle.

The first symptom is ache and pain around and behind the right eye. If I try to keep it open for more than 30 seconds, I have to recoil and close it for an equal amount of time because the pain is strong and it feels incredibly strained. With the left eye however, I can keep it open for up to 2 minutes without any discomfort whatsoever. So this eye problem is always there.

On top of this, it feels as if the right eye is being 'pushed' down upon. Accompanying this sensation is aches and tensions around the right temple, a feeling of pressure being exerted upon this particular part of my head and no other.

So I have this pressure around my right eye, right side of forehead, right ear and right cheekbone almost constantly. Also, very strangely, my right nostril is blocked very very often, but NEVER the left one....

Also, embarrassingly, if I am having sex or masturbating, my right testicle starts to retract upwards and I have to push it back down.

If I rub the area of my temple that feels under pressure, I become very nauseous and feel like I am going to be sick.

I have been for an MRI scan to test for a tumor and it came back negative, but I really have no other explanation for this which isn't very 'out there' and strange.

Could this be a sinus problem?
Please help if you can

03-16-2013, 12:10 PM
You'll probably find that the more you think & worry about it, the worse it gets

You've got anxiety, it makes any symptom 100x worse, and symptoms that you've never had before aswell

The quicker you believe the docs, the better

03-16-2013, 02:59 PM
Jay nailed it.

Anyone that experiences pain anywhere for a period of time should see the doc

When they say you are good, don't question it

You have the symptoms that people here have. You're not the first one with any of them

Anxious people scan and they look for things wrong constantly. It's in your nature to do that.

When you start to believe the docs and the people that had success here, you will see the common theme of believing your thoughts and pains are symptoms of anxiety

When you believe that, your symptoms start giving up

03-16-2013, 03:36 PM
Jay nailed it.

That's what she said.

But all joking aside, good post Jay.

03-16-2013, 04:35 PM
Thanks guys

03-16-2013, 06:27 PM
Hey midnight, I've been going through the same thing for the past seven or eight months with the surreal feeling and various physical symptoms, and it really sucks. Just wanted to let you know that you're definitely not alone and try not to focus on the physical symptoms, I know how hard it is to not focus on them but it's the only way to get them to go away. Hell sometimes I will be fine for hours and I will stop and think about the fact that (insert random body part) hasn't been hurting for a while and boom it starts hurting again, or I can go a few hours without feeling surreal and the first time I notice things feel normal I start to feel unreal again and more often then not this sets off a panic attack.