View Full Version : Friends diagnosis becoming my fear

03-16-2013, 08:31 AM
An old friend was just diagnosed with stage IV melanoma. I already have a fear of skin cancer and feel like every spot on me is one. I'm afraid I have it, but haven't gotten diagnosed yet. I'm afraid it'll be too late. Ive had certain spots looked at, told no...but then I think I keep finding new ones. Like "omg, I haven't noticed THAT one before! I need to hurry to the doc and get it looked at before it becomes more!". This fear is driving me mad! Adrenaline rushes, heart palps, dizzy. Ugh.

03-16-2013, 12:48 PM
It is scary to think about.

But you also have to understand that even if you did have melanoma, it doesn't mean it's deadly. There is benign melanoma, which my grandmother has. She just gets the spots removed.
I would trust that you don't have it. Doctors can tell. My grandma didn't know she had it and we took her her GP just for a checkup and he looked at it and knew what it was right away even before the biopsy.

You're fine! :) It's just anxiety.