View Full Version : anxiety or something else

Alice Pimm
03-16-2013, 08:10 AM
I have been suffering with anxiett for 6 months now. I have a massive range of physical symptoms and most of the time it is when i am nt anxious. It happens every night with head aches, trembling, rushes. The head achr varys, sometimes its painful and others its like pressure like when u pop ur ears. Also during the day i have developed stomach pains and bloating. Is this all anxiety because.im struggling.to beleive my brain cud do this and im losing it big time. Please help

03-16-2013, 08:15 AM
If your doctor says there's nothing wrong with you & runs the necessary tests, and everything's cool. Then yeah, it's due to your anxiety

I get the oddest symptoms, if I read up on something, I assume I have it & those symptoms start. The mind can play those tricks on you

I know it's hard to believe them but you must trust

Alice Pimm
03-16-2013, 09:31 AM
Have u ever had the feeling in ur head that feels tight and lots of pressure. Like when u try to pop ur ears?

03-16-2013, 05:09 PM
Have u ever had the feeling in ur head that feels tight and lots of pressure. Like when u try to pop ur ears?

Yes absolutely. Like Jay above said, usually, if the doctor gives you a clean bill of health and your tests are all negative - it's anxiety.

It's funny - I suffer from anxiety myself and get symptoms (chest tightness, random sensations, etc) when I know my tests are fine, have seen great doctors, etc. but it still happens. The mind is a crazy place.

Alice Pimm
03-17-2013, 04:45 AM
Its mental. Its all so out of the blue. It just happened over night like something snapped and im nt even sure what did it. I have a session booked for cbt bt if anyone can give me some advice or tips for dealing with anxiety, that wud be great.