View Full Version : What is 'normal'?

03-16-2013, 02:04 AM
Does anybody else feel that they can't distinguish between what is normal and what isn't anymore?

Recently since being on Zoloft, I haven't been walking around thinking I'm dying any more, but I've been walking round feeling happy that I'm fine, with just the odd thought in the background that there may be something wrong, if that makes sense.

I woke up this morning though and as usual my right shoulder is very stiff, which it is every morning, but rather than ignoring it and accepting it as normal (I do sleep on my stomach with my right arm under the pillow, but this is far too comfy and I am not prepared to sleep any other way!), I'm wondering if I have a tumour somewhere that's causing my shoulder to be like this. Also since my anxiety started early jan, I struggled to take a deep breath, constantly trying, i've been trying to convince myself that it's anxiety, as other symptoms have gone, but my chest now seems tighter, and I'm wondering if there's something more. I also feel like I have a taste of blood in my mouth this morning, so with the shoulder, breathing and taste in the mouth, I've been googling respiratory/lung cancer. Can I point out though I did have very strong garlic last night, but I'm sure I noticed the same the other day too. I am no way as bad as I was, but it keeps changing from every type of cancer, I was convinced the other week that I had bowel cancer because of the state of my digestive system. This along with other symptoms that I had has cleared up, (apart from the breathing and stiff shoulder etc), helping me believe that it is anxiety, but every time I feel something, every rumble in my stomach, I am left wondering if there is something else going on as well. But, are these things that are normal and I wouldn't have thought about before and us with health anxiety are looking out for things too much? I don't know if I will ever know what is normal anymore. I just want to get on with my life but this is holding me back. I cannot believe what anxiety can do to you, not long since I was walking around feeling so ill, pains all over, just convinced I not only had cancer but that it was everywhere and that I was dying. Now I can't stop analysing every 'symptom' I feel. By the way I love this forum!

03-16-2013, 05:03 AM
I guess that normal for me was life before anxiety attacks and constant anticipatory anxiety - not being afraid or on guard all the time wondering 'if' or 'when' the next bout of anxiety will strike.

But I have learned to accept that this is my new normal. I am prone to anxiety and panic attacks and they can and do happen and I have strategies in place for when this occurs.

It has been almost 5 years of anxiety off and on for me now and there have been some times where I have felt 'normal' in this timespan.

I'm very fortunate that I don't have health phobia or hypochondria. I don't analyze each and every ache and pain in my body. I try to be conscious of how I feel and live a healthy lifestyle as best I can.

As for the weird taste in the mouth - I get that a lot and I find that it is mainly caused by dehydration and not drinking enough water - it tastes coppery and metallic. I guess I have the general disconnect thing going on between my brain and my body and I have to remind myself a lot to eat and drink properly.

03-16-2013, 09:09 AM
How long has all this anxiety stuff been bothering you Vicky?

03-16-2013, 05:01 PM
Not long actually Jesse! Something happened at beginning of jan en it all spiralled from there en not looked at my body the same since! I don't have panic attacks but I probably do have hypochondria, currently anyway :-/

03-16-2013, 05:09 PM
Your symptoms do sound like anxiety symptoms. I just started Zoloft as well. It's been about 2 weeks, and I'm starting to feel more normal. Have you thought that some of your symptoms could be side effects of the Zoloft? I have experienced a lot of side effects. I have upset stomach, diarrhea, weird taste in my mouth (like blood/copper), headaches, body aches, lower back pain. It also caused me to be dizzy and anxious, with some hand shaking the first couple of days.

03-17-2013, 12:27 AM
Hi Phoenixup, thanks for your reply, and yes you're absolutely right! I remember thinking when I started taking them 'anything new that I feel now may be the tablets, so don't worry about it'. I just needed reminding of this! Thanks. Hope you're ok.

03-17-2013, 08:15 AM

Your post made me laugh about your shoulder. I had the exact same thought process about 3 years ago and I sleep the same way you do as well.

I just tried to send you a fairly long private message but it got rejected because I,m still too new.

I had a couple of to the point messages written about my experiences and how they relate to you.

Please messAge me if you would like to correspond about this.



03-18-2013, 03:36 AM
Hi dooges, I have messaged you.....

03-18-2013, 05:37 AM

Tried to reply to your message and its still telling me I need to send 10 posts before messaging you.. So try sending me an email to dooges29 at hotmail dot com.

No drama if you don't want to. I just spent 30 minutes writing a reply and got cheesed off when it was rejected. Saved it in an email draft though.

Hope you had a great day and stayed off google

