View Full Version : Ultra miami!!!!

03-15-2013, 10:41 PM
Okay so I haven't gone to clubs or festivals in three months since my anxiety start , I also stop doing drugs so I been clean and I thank God a lot , I wasn't rase like that but I guess bad influence and I also was a club promoter so I was a party animal for a couple of years , but now I am going to ultra festival tomorrow is the biggest festival in the USA with all good djs , the thing is I have fear of having a panic attack , I always check my heart rate I just want to enjoy , have fun dance , n zero drugsss cause I obey God , I been a little scare n stress but idk what to do to feel better tomorrow I love the music .

03-16-2013, 12:18 AM
Don't worry you might feel a little anxious when you first get there but it will subside. I just went out to a bar with friends tonight and I felt anxious at first. I just blocked out the negative thoughts and talked to people and before I knew it I was having a great time. I am very familiar with the Ultra Festival and im jealous. You are going to have a great time! Be proud of yourself for taking this step forward. You don't want to spend your life living in a bubble and avoiding anxiety provoking situations. Whats the worst that can happen? You start having a panic attack? Well we've all had them before and they suck but they pass. No one has ever died from one just felt really uncomfortable. Panic attacks have a short life. The peak and then come back down and eventually fade away.

Ask God to be your strength. To calm your heart and your mind. He loves you and he won't ever let you go.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

03-16-2013, 08:59 PM
Party animal was what gave me anxiety. Too much alcohol and bad sleeping. All the music, and people, and girls. Your mind gets tired after a while haha.

It's good you live a healthy life now. I like how it feels. I miss clubs and nightlife, but being healthy feels good for my body. Now I prefer going for long runs.

How was the festival?

Thats why I never holiday to Miami now. I would just go back to Party all the time haha.

03-17-2013, 09:26 AM
Hey guys at the beginning I was super stress , dizzy, out of breath , heart race all night , I didn't enjoy it like last year but I sit for a while relax n then got back in the floor , I even told the the rescue to take my blood preassure lol they were everywhere anyways but it was okay , at least I was able to go and enjoy some part of the festival and favorites djs , but I wish I could go crazy dancing like I used to do with doing does freaking drugs , but I am scare of my heart rate going up , but w.e. I still dance a little lol

03-17-2013, 11:19 AM
Ima go today cause ima keep company to my girl ,should I take Xanax? I have never take them the doctor told me to take them but I never did should I to feel relax ?

03-17-2013, 11:20 AM
Take it if you need it. It will make you feel better knowing its there, you might not need it.

If you feel really bad, just take a quick one, and relax.

Tell your girl I said 'Hi!'

03-17-2013, 11:26 AM
I am so scare of coming addicted to that stuff man :(but my mom is telling to take it , n yes saids hiiiiiii we gonna take pictures n post it or something lol

03-17-2013, 11:29 AM
Yeah, yeah post it maaaaan!!!! I love miami!

Don't worry about getting addicted to this stuff, it takes sooo long. Your mom is right. You take it a few times, you don't get addicted, you just relax. When people say they are scared of being addicted, thats just anxiety talking.

I took Valium 1 or 2 times a week.... 0 problems, it just lets you live life. Soon your anxiety will be better, and you won't need it.

03-17-2013, 11:36 AM
The good thing is that I go to ultra now or festivals n no do drugs n that was the worst mistake of my life n for sureeee and me on Instagram Ramonhidalgo25

03-17-2013, 11:37 AM
I meant the worst mistake of my life cause I use to do drugs for 9 months

03-17-2013, 12:27 PM
Yeah, i like that instagram man!!!

Don't worry about the drugs. You can't change it now. You are a smarter person, you are more wise. You know mistakes you made. Focus on getting your mind healthy, and getting your body healthy. You are doing well, just keep going and you will be there soon!

Which music do you like at festivals hidalgo?

03-17-2013, 12:51 PM
I love evrything bro but more dubstep , trap , electronic , and also house , n some trance n techno n you.?