View Full Version : I feel like my life is just going downhill with time? and im getting discouraged?

03-15-2013, 10:22 PM
all my life ive been a failure at everything i was never happy a single day of my life and im not exagerating ive tried getting help with my depression and anxiety but it didnt work because i wasint doing what people were telling me to do and i wasint listening to anybody and it took me a while to realize why and thats because i lacked the motivation i wanted some happiness before i would give it my all to fight my anxiety and ive been keeping my problems inside of me for too long because even tho i know whats wrong with me explaining it is very hard putting it into words and thats why no one has been able to help me yet because i coudnt say what was wrong with me and that is very discouraging time is flying but im not evolving as a human being not only but on top of it i have insomnia that i feel is also worsening with time derealization ,chronic headaches,painful spasms and food allergies im getting helpless my emotions make me sick to death and theres no point to tell me to tough it out and let it out of me because ive been trying and trying and i coudnt do also i have chronic derealization thats been going on for 2 years now it never leaves me alone