View Full Version : New: Looking for support.

03-15-2013, 06:20 PM
Hello, everyone.

Well, as my title says, I'm new here and am looking for support for whatever's been bothering me. This may be a bit long, so thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this.

I've had recurring problems with anxiety since November or so. I think it stems from health issues, because I do have problems with my mouth (recurrent mouth infections and one horribly decayed upper left tooth) that I can't treat for lack of health insurance. Consequently, I started really worrying about my health.

For a while, I couldn't stop thinking about feeling sick. I made the mistake of using google to search for tooth problems and found out about all kinds of terrible complications that could happen; I'm really scared and don't know how to stop worrying or concentrating on my health. Even worse is that if I feel something wrong (I have issues with clenching my jaw and it gives me pain and headaches) I psych myself into thinking the worst and feel like I'm going to die and spend the day miserable.

I'm sorry that's such a long story, but it's been bothering me a long time and I don't know what to do. I feel so lost and crazy -- and even more stressed out. Thanks for reading my jumbled mess of words; I guess I just need assurance and tips that things get better. I don't want to feel like this forever! :(

03-15-2013, 07:59 PM
Hello, everyone.

Well, as my title says, I'm new here and am looking for support for whatever's been bothering me. This may be a bit long, so thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this.

I've had recurring problems with anxiety since November or so. I think it stems from health issues, because I do have problems with my mouth (recurrent mouth infections and one horribly decayed upper left tooth) that I can't treat for lack of health insurance. Consequently, I started really worrying about my health.

For a while, I couldn't stop thinking about feeling sick. I made the mistake of using google to search for tooth problems and found out about all kinds of terrible complications that could happen; I'm really scared and don't know how to stop worrying or concentrating on my health. Even worse is that if I feel something wrong (I have issues with clenching my jaw and it gives me pain and headaches) I psych myself into thinking the worst and feel like I'm going to die and spend the day miserable.

I'm sorry that's such a long story, but it's been bothering me a long time and I don't know what to do. I feel so lost and crazy -- and even more stressed out. Thanks for reading my jumbled mess of words; I guess I just need assurance and tips that things get better. I don't want to feel like this forever! :(

I know just what you are going through! It sucks! Ok first of all let's see if we can get you some help for your tooth. I don't now what state you live in but most places have free clinics or dental colleges. Call the health department in you area and tell them you need to see a dentist and you don't have insurance. They can usually tell you who to call. I am in the same boat and I got into see a dentist for 25 bucks for a filling and exrays. Not to bad.

You need to tell yourself, this is ridiculous thinking! I am not dying, I don't have anything wrong with me. I am clenching my jaw and causing pain because I am having anxiety. Repeat it over and over... Because that is what got you into thinking you were in serious health... All that negative self talk. So let's turn it around, tell your self you are healthy and nothing is wrong other than a tooth issue.

03-15-2013, 11:35 PM
Thank you for your comforting words. Most of the time, I feel perfectly normal, but gosh, every so often I have a bad, bad day where I think I'm dying!

After looking online at my options, I discovered that there's a dental clinic nearby doing examinations/x-rays/cleanings free for one day next week!! It's only for the first 150 people, though, so I may wind up camping the day before. I've had this problem for years now, it seems almost to good to be true that my troubles are coming to a close.

In a way, that unnerves me, too. I keep thinking, "Okay, one more week!...Wait, what if something happens before then?!" It's so strange trying to talk to others about it, too, because they usually don't understand that it's difficult to turn my thoughts off...at least my blanket and a mug of cocoa are keeping me company! :)

03-16-2013, 08:05 PM
Thank you for your comforting words. Most of the time, I feel perfectly normal, but gosh, every so often I have a bad, bad day where I think I'm dying!

After looking online at my options, I discovered that there's a dental clinic nearby doing examinations/x-rays/cleanings free for one day next week!! It's only for the first 150 people, though, so I may wind up camping the day before. I've had this problem for years now, it seems almost to good to be true that my troubles are coming to a close.

In a way, that unnerves me, too. I keep thinking, "Okay, one more week!...Wait, what if something happens before then?!" It's so strange trying to talk to others about it, too, because they usually don't understand that it's difficult to turn my thoughts off...at least my blanket and a mug of cocoa are keeping me company! :)

That is great news! Don't worry. I know that is easy to say, but you have to stop the negative self talk, when you start having the negative thoughts just say STOP! Loud and proud! Sometimes it can help to have a rubber band around your wrist and snap it. I know that may sound silly, but that is what helps me when I get crazy thoughts racing thru my head and I can't seem to stop.

Have you ever tried meditation? It is a great way to center yourself. Try this http://www.oprah.com/own/First-Look-Deepak-Chopras-21-Day-Meditation-Challenge-Video
It is free and it only takes about twenty minutes a day, it is a three week program and it is amazing!

Amy Goodrich
03-17-2013, 11:05 AM
I recognize that feeling! I was always looking up every illness I had with google and found the most horrifying stories. Then it creeps in your mind and it's so hard to get rid of.
I agree with Dawndy, meditation is a good way to get rid of negative thoughts!

03-17-2013, 02:30 PM
I'm a dental nurse and I promise it's not going to be anywhere near as bad as u think xx