View Full Version : Good week!

03-15-2013, 03:38 PM
Recently I started playing basketball with my friends and it seems to put all this anxiety/panic bs out of mind and so far I've been feeling great! Who knew a little exercise could work miracles. I've tried to deal with this whole mess using many techniques (yoga, deep breathing, reading, meditation, etc...) but felt was getting no where. I never really wanted to go on meds. so i was occasionally taking some valerian/hop pills at night. Anyway Hope you all are having a great day! With persistence and determination we all can overcome this mind game!

03-15-2013, 03:44 PM
Who knew a little exercise could work miracles.

I hear that one! I begun to do long distance running about a year ago. Took me from being 'Mostly cured' to 'Beast mode'... I'd recommend everyone does it, even if you can only handle the tiniest amounts. Start at one rep of a weight, whatever it takes.

Anyway man, great stuff! May you go from strength to strength! I always like hearing success stories!

03-15-2013, 05:13 PM
Took me from being 'Mostly cured' to 'Beast mode'

Thats awesome! thanks, likewise!

03-15-2013, 05:23 PM
Yep, taking your mind off yourself and worries and getting some exercise it great. Very therapeutic indeed. Engaging with other people is good for the body and mind. It's what your meant to be doing really. :) Alankay