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03-15-2013, 03:17 PM

I was recently diagnosed with Graves' disease (hyperthyroid) due to a panic attack. The thyroid is "under control" but he anxiety isn't. About an hour ago I had a heart palpitation and thought I was dying from a heart attack. I literally started crying out of fear. I've had three ekg's done. A heart sonogram, blood tests and all is ok but I still have arm, back and chest pains. It is driving me crazy. I honestly don't know what to do to calm down. I'm actually feeling depressed with everything else.

03-15-2013, 04:56 PM
Your symptoms are from anxiety!

Your tests are fine. Don't keep looking for a reason to think something is wrong, there isn't

It's. your symptoms that make you feel that way

Ignore them and don't fight them. Let them come and pass.

This is what works

Keep posting. Lots of help here

03-15-2013, 05:18 PM
Would you describe yourself as acutely anxious when having pains? I was I used to get psychosomatic chest pains when very anxious although I could run 5-6 miles with no chest pain so saw it was anxiety and my mind "expecting" chest pains.... so felt them. It can happen. Alankay

03-15-2013, 05:39 PM
Usually I get anxious because of the pains. And most of the time it's not really PAIN but more of a bother that turns in to pain because it makes me anxious. Lol. The riddle!!!