View Full Version : Hopeless

03-15-2013, 01:33 PM
I can't get off of my couch. This depression has such a hold on me; and if the depression subsides, the anxiety takes its place. I start thinking about the future, work, boyfriend, friends, family and worry myself sick. What if I can never go back to work or school? I'd lose my apartment, then move back in with my father. Then my boyfriend would leave me. I'd end up in a psych ward. Ahhhhh! I'm going crazy. Sometimes (actually most of the time) I think it would be so much easier to give up.

03-15-2013, 02:31 PM
I can't get off of my couch. This depression has such a hold on me; and if the depression subsides, the anxiety takes its place. I start thinking about the future, work, boyfriend, friends, family and worry myself sick. What if I can never go back to work or school? I'd lose my apartment, then move back in with my father. Then my boyfriend would leave me. I'd end up in a psych ward. Ahhhhh! I'm going crazy. Sometimes (actually most of the time) I think it would be so much easier to give up.

Hello - I'm not calling you Hopeless

I chose to call you the Great Hope (Has a nicer ring to it when you acept your grammy award, no?)

I just posted the following reply to a thread that read the exact same way.

Since I have people giving me the stink eye for lack of production at work, I made the executive decision to cut and paste my response. See below

First - welcome to our humble abode

I have said it before on this forum, but since you are new, I will share my oh great wisdom

You will not end up in a phyche ward.

Anxious people are so in tune with their mind and body, they are the least likely group to ever "go crazy."

Anxiety is a disorder and not a mental illness

This is important to realize because it cannot casue you to become shyzophrenic or split personality, etc...

People that go crazy never realize they are crazy so that makes them, uh..well, ...crazy

If you are here seeking advice how to overcome your symptoms, rest assured, your spot in the loony bin has been filled with someone else

Anxiety sometimes brings on depression because people get so down becasue they don't understand and feel like it will ever go

Who can blame anyone when they are fighting through a tough period with this?

Your therapy will help alot if you and your doc have a strong relationship

You will be just fine. Stop fighting and trying to push your thoughts away and understand them to only be symptoms of anxiety

Got crummy thought? Yup - chalk it up to anxiety without giving it any value and continue doing what you were doing

This is the absolute key to getting well. You will see this same advice given in many different ways on this forum by people that have overcome their anxiety disorder

Acknowledge, accept, understand, move on

Those 4 steps can take you all of one second once you "get it"

You'll be gettin it real soon I promise

The fact you're here has already started the healing process.

Be well

03-16-2013, 01:02 AM
i would also like to add its impossible to be clinically depressed and diagnosed with anxiety at the same time. what you are most likely suffering from right now is low mood. Which is symptoms of depression. Basically you are just feeling shitty and the cause of it is anxiety. You are not depressed. Remember that. Once we all snap out of the anxiety and see what is is we will be able to get all our lives back on track.