View Full Version : Hello my fellow anxiety friends!!

03-15-2013, 01:22 PM
I have been struggling with anxiety for 5 months

03-15-2013, 01:42 PM
Better days will come, your taking the right routes

Good to have u here :)

03-15-2013, 01:45 PM
Thank you Jay!

03-15-2013, 02:08 PM
Thank you Jay! I'm enjoying reading here so much. I feel like i have people that understand my pain, and what i'm going thru. Everyone around me is tired of me, sometimes im tired of myself, because i can't snap out of it. I wish this thing had an on/off switch..

We're all here for you :)

And we all wish there was an on/off switch if only life was that simple

03-15-2013, 02:20 PM
Hi albgirl82 :) Nice to meet you!!

Can you promise me one thing? If we argue... Leave me alone, don't try to get... REVENGEEEE! :D

03-15-2013, 02:22 PM
Hey, sorry to hear you have had to be dealing with this rubbish. I too have been dealing with same for almost 6 months now. Your not alone and it is very common. I have found this forum a massive help with reconciling how I feel. I really hope it helps you too.

03-15-2013, 02:23 PM
I have been struggling with anxiety for 5 months now, i'm 30 years old and this is the first time that i experienced this. I had a lot stress going on in my life, but nothing that i didn't handle before. I guess it was my breaking point. I'm stuck in some episodes from my past, and i have fear and get worried it might ruin my future. In the beggining it was just fear, now it has changed the main focus in guilt. I feel like i'm going to spend my whole life like this, and nothing is going to change. I have some crazy thoughts, and i get so worried that one day i'm going to end up in a psych ward. It makes me feel much calmer when i read you guys. It gives me hope that better days are going to come. I tried benzos for 3 months, the withdrawals were horrible. Now i just started therapy, i hope its going to help. I hope soon this is going to be part of the past for all of us..no one deserves this..God bless you all.

First - welcome to our humble abode

I have said it before on this forum, but since you are new, I will share my oh great wisdom

You will not end up in a phyche ward.

Anxious people are so in tune with their mind and body, they are the least likely group to ever "go crazy."

Anxiety is a disorder and not a mental illness

This is important to realize because it cannot casue you to become shyzophrenic or split personality, etc...

People that go crazy never realize they are crazy so that makes them, uh..well, ...crazy

If you are here seeking advice how to overcome your symptoms, rest assured, your spot in the loony bin has been filled with someone else

Anxiety sometimes brings on depression because people get so down becasue they don't understand and feel like it will ever go

Who can blame anyone when they are fighting through a tough period with this?

Your therapy will help alot if you and your doc have a strong relationship

You will be just fine. Stop fighting and trying to push your thoughts away and understand them to only be symptoms of anxiety

Got crummy thought? Yup - chalk it up to anxiety without giving it any value and continue doing what you were doing

This is the absolute key to getting well. You will see this same advice given in many different ways on this forum by people that have overcome their anxiety disorder

Acknowledge, accept, understand, move on

Those 4 steps can take you all of one second once you "get it"

You'll be gettin it real soon I promise

The fact you're here has already started the healing process.

Be well

03-15-2013, 02:39 PM
Thank you so much all of you!!!

03-15-2013, 02:42 PM
Zdravo, kako si?

Alb girl! How much is Albanian language like Serbian?

My ex gf was from Belgrade, I spent a year there. I love Balkans!!! :P

03-15-2013, 03:04 PM
No no no!! I don't like them...only love the music...😜

03-15-2013, 03:08 PM
I know, they say the same about Albanians. I know you two have a bad history!! What about their food, you like Cevapcici?

03-15-2013, 04:53 PM
Revenge is awesome, Ms Thorn

Or should I say Ms Clark ?

03-15-2013, 09:19 PM
Let's say Emily..:P

03-16-2013, 12:39 AM
I love Revenge too! haha

Welcome to the forum and don't worry things will get better! I was at my lowest of lows, thought I was losing my mind, thought I was dying, but here I am less than a year later and about 90% better. Anxiety is a horrible thing to go through but in the end it changes your life for the better. I have so much more of an appreciation for life now and I also take much better care of myself.

There are a few key places to start if your looking to get better.

- Get your Vitamin D level Checked
- Get your Thyroid Levels Checked
- Get your B12 levels Checked
- Cut out caffeine, alcohol, sugars from your diet. Some people also feel amazing from cutting out gluten from their diet. Look up low glycemic foods
- Try to get exercise every day even if its just a short walk outside
- Try to get as much sunshine as possible
- There are so many vitamins and supplements that can help you. Let me know if you want more info on them!