View Full Version : Anxiety about driving in my car

03-15-2013, 09:52 AM
Almost every time I get in the car, I have a panic attack. Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, fear, shaky hands. Etc. I have GAD, but I will be feeling "alright" before I leave and then once I get in the car and start driving it hits me. Yesterday I had two in a matter of two hours. It is so annoying! I am 24 weeks pregnant and have two other children, and my anxiety calmed down with them, but this pregnancy has been really hard! I hope I start to feel better.

03-15-2013, 11:51 AM
I really thought I was the only person who felt anxious every time I got in my car. I felt this quite a bit when I first started driving, and it lasted well through my later driving years. I don't know why, but I always felt like something was going to happen. I felt I would either get into an accident, or that I would end up getting lost somewhere. I now do much better with my anxiety when I drive. I guess it just comes down to doing it often. The more and more you do it, the more you start getting used to it. This is how a lot of people overcome their anxiety issues. As far as your pregnancy goes, all I can say is just hang in there and take some deep breathes before you start driving. Sometimes just sitting in your car for a few minutes, realizing it's not that big a deal, and breathing calmly can really help.. Good luck to you... :)

03-15-2013, 12:58 PM
I too have that. I have GAD and I just had a baby two months ago and I also have a 13 year old. It was so hard being pregnant and have anxiety too. The one thing that helped me was to breath and take tell yourself when you get in the car I would say if I don't feel good in 5 minutes ill turn around and go home..then I would be ok the. I would say 10 mins and then 15 by the time I knew it I was where I needed to be. Hang in there it's rough! Congrats on being pregnant!