View Full Version : Weird Thoughts , Depress

03-15-2013, 09:41 AM
I been having a lot of fear about death , and future invents ,I get so depress all the time I think about that , idk why this is happing to me I know I did bad things but I have change like a lot I want my old person back with new adjustments with out thinking to much about bad stuff of future I just don't want to care about many stuff n be happy and idk how to help please.

03-15-2013, 11:45 AM
I been having a lot of fear about death , and future invents ,I get so depress all the time I think about that , idk why this is happing to me I know I did bad things but I have change like a lot I want my old person back with new adjustments with out thinking to much about bad stuff of future I just don't want to care about many stuff n be happy and idk how to help please.

You fears about death are from your anxiety. Completely normal thoughts with one suffering from this disorder.

Stop trying to figure out why this happening right now. It doesn't matter. It was in you and would of come out in time.

Everyone did lots of bad things to their body and that is not why you are not feeling well. Your mind can try and wrap around a reason but trust me, you won't find an answer

You can possibly find an answer to what caused your anxiety but you are wired to be more anxious than most, that would not be any different no matter what you did or what you do.

Reallzing these things are the first, and most important step to getting well.

Getting back to your "normal self" pre anxiety probably will not happen. That is not to scare you or make you feel bad

People that have this disorder get well by accepting and understanding that anxiety is a part of their lives

When you begin to react to the symptoms as real, you will feel bad.

When you react to the symptoms as just symptoms of anxiety, they will fade away.

I still get rushed of adreneline running through me sometimes 10 times a day.

Each one lasts under 1 second because I do not give it any credit and move on

You will do the same.

I suspect that will always be the case with me. Still feeling the symptoms but mot reacting to them makes me feel like I don't have this disorder anymore

Get your mind and body healthy with the many suggestions on this forum

Everyone here has felt just as bad, if not worse than you do now.

You WILL beat this