View Full Version : what med can you take when pregnant?

07-03-2007, 11:45 AM
I've been taking Lexapro for about a year with great results. Just found out I'm pregnant and can't take it anymore. Is there anything else I can take? Anyone else deal with this???

07-09-2007, 09:01 AM
Hi, I too am pregnant, i found out only a couple of weeks ago. I was on propanolol (beta-blockers) which i have now come off due to being pregnant. My dr said they cant harm baby but i dont want to take them anymore.

How far pregnant are you? And how long have you suffered from anxiety?

Take care

07-10-2007, 02:58 AM
If you have been doing fine for a year on Lexapro, maybe now is the time to wean yourself off it. You may, of course, encounter quite a bit of resistance from your doctor. But let's face it. Do you really want to take the stuff for the rest of your life?