View Full Version : Help

03-14-2013, 01:44 PM
Someone please help and tell me that I'm not going to be depressed forever. I can't get off the couch. Everything seems pointless and hopeless. I'm not suicidal but I sometimes think it would be easier to just give up on everything.

03-14-2013, 01:58 PM
You will come out of your funk in time. Alankay

03-14-2013, 02:07 PM
It doesn't feel like it....

03-14-2013, 02:20 PM
"I can't get off the couch."

You can't or you won't. Are you injured?

You need to make the decision that you are finished with this nonsense.

Nobody can help you if you are laying on the couch waiting to be saved.

Get up. Get in the shower. Open the blinds and start healing.

It won't be righht away but every day will be much better.

There is a cool Japanese quote from years ago that sounds so profound but what it says essentially when translated is "fake it to you make it."

Basically, start doing the things you used to and no matter how uncomfortable, keep doing it.

Your body and mind wants to be in that state so help a brotha out and do what they want .

You help your mind and body, they will most certainly return the good deed.

Anxiety and depression will never be beaten by fighting. Outsmart them.

I am sending some prayers to you.

Get off the couch and check your mailbox.:D

03-14-2013, 03:04 PM
Thank you, all of you. I needed to hear those things. Since there are a couple of hours of daylight left, I will go for a walk.

I was supposed to move in with a friend at the end of the month, but I panicked and backed out. She basically told me to eff off and never talk to her again.

03-14-2013, 06:28 PM
Thank you, all of you. I needed to hear those things. Since there are a couple of hours of daylight left, I will go for a walk.

I was supposed to move in with a friend at the end of the month, but I panicked and backed out. She basically told me to eff off and never talk to her again.

Good for you!!! You will feel better once you get out into the fresh air. I had those same type of feelings today....I forced myself out the door to my meditation Tai chi class. Now I feel SO much better. Calm and relaxed!
As far as the situation with your friend, TELL her what is going on with you! I think people are willing to try and understand if you try to explain it to them. If she is truly your friend, she will understand. You never know if moving in with her might be a good move for you...you will have someone there to talk to, you may be more busy doing activities with her which will in turn, keep your anxieties at bay.