View Full Version : Have a day :(

03-14-2013, 10:43 AM
Lack of sleep and lack of food is not a good thing I don't want to go to work I'm dizzy and light headed and feel like I could vomit and I have to work 9 hrs :( 4 I will be alone .... So anxiety has spiked and well I just want to let go I it all. Come on 1030 so I can hide and sleep for the next 3 days

03-14-2013, 11:24 AM
Do you need a glass for your whine? :)
It's okay, things will turn out alright.
I know it's hard to eat when you feel nauseous, but not eating makes you nauseous. It's horrible.
That's a pretty long shift, but it will feel good to finally sleep after it.
I hope you feel better soon.

03-14-2013, 11:28 AM
Lack of sleep turns me into a monster! But, it's only symptoms weary!!! Try and REAAAAALLY get focused hard on something, and they should die down a little.

Janey, be a little more supportive, please.

03-14-2013, 09:31 PM
Do you need a glass for your whine? :)
It's okay, things will turn out alright.
I know it's hard to eat when you feel nauseous, but not eating makes you nauseous. It's horrible.
That's a pretty long shift, but it will feel good to finally sleep after it.
I hope you feel better soon.

No wine janey just sleep been taking care of my daughter and had some bad things happen this week 3 massive panic attacks and a sick kid and working 34 hrs this week when I normally only work 15-20. Just having a hard time getting a grip with the new dosage still having a lot of side effects :(

03-14-2013, 09:35 PM
Lack of sleep turns me into a monster! But, it's only symptoms weary!!! Try and REAAAAALLY get focused hard on something, and they should die down a little.

Janey, be a little more supportive, please.

Thanks jessed03 I made it through just very sore and not on my game .... Not sure if I am getting sick with what my daughter has or if it is from when I fell down the stairs or if it I the fact I have worked so many hours standing on a concrete floor or if I'm achy because I'm getting sick. I have to go to dr to or row and get my tail bone reset from falling down the stairs so I'm sure the stiffness and aches have a lot to do with that. I hope that I can sleep tonight with no panic attacks waking me up.

Thank you for the support

03-14-2013, 10:35 PM
Weary, You continue to get through it all. You are more than you feel like you are. Listen to the good thoughts and kick out the bad. Not easy but keep at it. Support and friendship is here as you need us. Be strong and keep it to one day at a time. I had a bad day myself. One of the meds I am on is kicking my butt; I have given it enough time and am weaning myself off. I have always had a high tolerance to meds side effects but this one - an old anti-D with anti anxiety effects is causing all sorts of weird stuff not worth details. You are not alone; ever.