View Full Version : i just noticed ive had extreme anxiety since i can remember

07-03-2007, 01:11 AM
i was bugging out for a couple days and i was talking to someone about it so they asked me how i felt which i haven't thought really about until then and i told them an extreme irrational fear of everything along with thoughts of death. then they told me that i was experiencing an anxiety attack. I couldn't find a reason for this fear and would just tell myself nothing is wrong with me and to just relax. but after knowing what anxiety is it is easier to control with my mind. But knowing what it is i realized that ive been experiencing anxiety my entire life and i seriously think i will be able to live a little better.

07-03-2007, 03:40 AM
It can be a nice relief when you find or come across an answer that fits "what is wrong with you".