View Full Version : First Post-palpitations

03-13-2013, 10:47 AM
Hello Everyone,

I tried posting the other day but I dont know if it went through. I am new to this forum and would like to say hello to everyone and tell you about myself.
I am 33 years old and have been dealing with anxiety since I am 16 years old. The last 4 or so years I was doing really well and had it under control. Unfortunately, my mother passed away unexpected in December and I have been a wreck ever since. I had 3 really bad panic attacks and dealing with anxiety daily. I have been to the ER, saw my MD 2x, a cardiologist and the local medical walk in place. All have said this is nothing other then anxiety. I would get the racing heart, jumpiness, legs trembling etc. Now I feel palpitations. For weeks I kept saying OMG my heart keeps palpitating. 3 or 4 times a day I would feel it. Now that I have calmed down a bit I honestly think its my stomach sending a nervous adrenaline jolt that give me a nervous feeling that I cant describe, and not palptiations? AM i crazy? has anyone else had this happen. The doctor has done 4 ekgs and has seen nothing, full exam with the cardiologist, ive had bloodwork done as well....a few years back when my anxiety was bad they also did a chest xrays and ekgs then as well all anxiety....Everything is always GOOD... When I had the bloodwork done in december (the 30th) my cholesterol was high....i had it retested 3 weeks ago and it went DOWN significantly. Suppose to be 200 and I am at 208 so he said to continue to watch what I eat and it should stay under control. So overall everythign is good.
I really look forward to hearing from others who have experienced this. It is an awful feeling, but luckily there are others that can relate.

03-13-2013, 12:09 PM
Welcome aboard to the board that hasn't seen a symptom that can't be explained away as anxiety

Heart skips and flutters were the worst for me as I first became aware that something was devastatingly wrong with me

Constantly got them with the chest pains and dizziness

You have experienced anxiety long enough to understand what is happening; and that is great

Even though I know this, I still find myself getting them occasionally and it now triggers a different reaction

When I get them, I am shallow breathing. Anxious people tend to do to that as they are analyzing and scanning all their thoughts and pains.

If the heart gives me a kick, I just start breathing with my stomach and it goes right away.

i am a habitual shallow breather so I will always probably have to deal with that but now it doesn't scare me, just lets me know to shift my breathing.

My change in breathing also stopped my limbs and fingers tingling, my ears being clogged up and all chest related tightness and pain

Amazing once I understood why the symptoms would show up, they stopped scaring me.

That can be difficult to do when you are ally stressed and anxious I know

But it is the truth

You're not alone with those symptoms.

Feel your belly move up and down when you breathe and you will bid farewell to those symptoms

03-13-2013, 12:15 PM
Thank you so much for responding....as i am reading ur post I saying yes, yes , yes I get all of those...my ears are so clogged that I thought I have a sinus infection...but it happens on and off throught the day. Stomach all feels bloated or full..which is a nervous stomach steming from the anxiety!
Sometimes I get them a few time a day..and more so when I am anticipating them...but never when I am checking my pulse (another bad habit)

03-13-2013, 05:31 PM
This is all from anxiety. Acknowledge this to yourself. Don't get caught chasing symptoms when anxiety is at the core of it all. Try to find the cause of your anxiety and see if that can be addressed. Alankay