View Full Version : How cool is this, well to me it is

03-13-2013, 07:28 AM
Some of you may know me from my posts here that some of my triggers were often words.

Heart, heart attack, panic, stroke, hypertension, pulmonary, etc....

You can see the pattern I trust

Even though I have been doing really well over the last 2 years, those words would still start the adrenaline dump.

I would feel the rush and the wave of heat but would quickly realize what was happening and I didn't give it much credence so it passed without much fanfare

That is why I never went on any forums. Didn't really real like dealing with that

I was just reading a bunch of posts here this morning and it dawned on me that none of these words were doing that crazy sh!t to me anymore

Seeing them over and over and just letting the wave come and go with no reaction made good ol' anxiety throw up the white flag

Again, if I would have come aboard these forums years and years ago, my path would have been so much easier

I hope my crappy path can help a few here that had more stones than me to seek help early on and not be embarrassed from something that they could not have prevented.

There's a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror. I am moving forward and far away of that tricky anxiety

I will continue to out duel you, my friend.

My days just keep getting better and better

Chalk up another win for Nixon!

03-13-2013, 07:54 AM
I would always be embarrassed when I'd panic! In 5th grade gym we had to wear pedometers to track out heart rates, and I was so scared cause I was sure there was something wrong with my heart. I galloped out of class and hid in my locker. Everyone thought I was a freak. :/

03-13-2013, 07:55 AM
That's awesome :) the same thing happens to me too with certain words, I thought I was the only one! Glad your getting better.

03-13-2013, 11:20 AM
That is amazing Nixon! I have that happen sometimes...I have a reaction to words..or thoughts or situations and then when I focus on that I get more physical symptoms and freak myself out more. That is so cool that now you have tempered that and you do not have that reaction. You must be making a lot of progress! :) What are you doing or have been doing that helps so much?