View Full Version : Fuzzy head

03-12-2013, 02:20 PM
I know anxiety can cause a fuzzy head but mines like an achey fuzzy head and my eyes feel achey aswell and heavy. Can tiredness give u a fuzzy type of headache?

03-12-2013, 04:23 PM
Stress and anxiety can. Body is saying it's stressed out. Needs time to rest and recover. I've had headaches and dizziness of all sorts. It can be unnerving. But just leave off the pain killers. Try and keep yourself busy. Don't succumb to fear and worry. Just remember your body wants to heal. So lert it, don't pile on more stress and worry, it won't help. It is what it is, a weird feeling. But it;ll pass and it can't harm you.

Hope you feel better soon.
