View Full Version : Terrified

07-01-2007, 05:07 PM
I don't know where to start. i have had anxiety for 2 years now and this morning was something i have never experienced. Yesterday night i went out and had way to much to drink, this morning my anxiety was off the walls, i felt extreamly nervous and jittery, all the sudden i started getting into this weird state of mind, words can't even explain it, everything felt like it was happening at once and things were caving in, i think it was a nervous breakdown, my mind now feels shattered, i am terrified right now, i thought i was going insane forsure, i now feel like i should be in a mental hospital ....just absolutely crazy....
i feel pretty depressed now, when it was happening i didn't know what to do, i really didn't. I can not think straight right now im still in shock, i am very scared....

any responses would be greatly appreciated

07-01-2007, 05:44 PM
Hey Mike, I am sure most of us on this forum can relate to what you just experienced. The thoughts of going crazy, and impending doom. It is scarey as hell. I have found that although alcohol can have a relaxing effect, sometimes it does the opposite and can amplify the anxiety.

Are you doing anything to treat your anxiety? I know this may sound weird, but when I am having one of those moments where I feel I am going crazy...I put on my ipod and go for a 40 minute run/walk. I feel it helps me calm down...and gets my breathing back into some normal rythym.

07-01-2007, 06:20 PM
I always found that some of my worst attacks came when I was hungover, I don't know why but the combination of physical tiredness, dehydration and all that other wonderful stuff that comes as an after effect of drinking alchohol served to plunge me into attacks that would last for hours...
Your reaction sounds pretty normal to me and I'm sure you don't need to be in an asylum!!

Maybe chill out on the drinking (which is not to say don't have any, just don't drink enough to get hungover!) until you get a better handle on this, and in the meanwhile, try not to be afraid of your symptoms as this will only make things worse.

07-07-2007, 06:06 AM
The sensation that your going mad and losing control is something I experience quite regularly. It's so scary - u feel completely alone and detached from everything. But what I keep reminding myself is that , we're not alone in experiencing these sensations . The fear of going mad is a classic symptom of anxiety - and you always come through it ok. Distraction works best for me. I'll give you a few tips that have helped me minimize these feelings.

Take 5htp - helps with anxiety and sleeplessness
Valerian - Day and Night, again helps with anxiety and sleeplessness
Check that your not low in Magnesium - people who are have a tendancy to suffer with anxiety.
Wear an elastic band around the wrist and everytime you find your mind catastrophizing e.g "I'm going mad ...... etc" pull the elastic band hard and let it snap down on your skin - it should hurt a little but it diverts your mind to something else (and also trains your mind not to think so negatively , because it eventually begins to associate the pain you feel from the wrist to the negative thoughts! )
And remember your not alone in this and anxiety can be conquered !!!

Let me know how you get on :)

07-13-2007, 11:04 AM
Classic thought of the day people who think they are crazy are not. The mental hospitals are full of people who think they aren't. So hell yes I am crazy LOL. Anyway I made the choice to come here and talk it has done wonders for me and yes most of all of us here have gone through exactly what you descibed. Last resort Xanax in my car, house, office you get my point I dont take it very much at all but boy does it feel good to know it;s there. Good Luck my friend let us know how you are doing.

the drifter
07-13-2007, 12:33 PM
I've had those feelings all to many times. It got to the point where I had myself convinced I had a brain tumor and that i was dying. Going to the doctor helped me a lot, just because he confirmed that it was just anxiety and not something worse, but I still struggle with anxiety. I just started taking sertraline (SSRI), so hopefully that will help.

I recommend seeing a doctor, and talking to people about it. I always thought I would be able to overcome my anxiety attacks myself, but I think ignoring them and putting off seeing a doctor could have made things worse.

Good luck,