View Full Version : Is 5-HTP safe?

Johnny Boy
03-11-2013, 08:30 PM
I have read that 5-htp is as effective at increasing your serotonin levels as the SSRI class of drugs, but without the side effects of these prescription drugs. But I also read on some sites that 5-htp can be dangerous. Does anyone know anything about this supplement and if it’s safe?

Also, does anyone know anything about other supplements for anxiety at health food stores and if they really work, like St John's Wart, Valerian Root, Rodiola, etc.?

03-11-2013, 08:41 PM
I'm taking it at the moment Johnny Boy. I've been mostly anxiety free, but I took an insane amount of Caffeine tabs when I had a bad cold, but a lot of important work meetings, that it sort of rapped up my anxiety levels for a month and gave me few panic attacks, and some awful bad sleep.

I'm feeling pretty good really. It's been two days, I feel more relaxed. It's not Placebo, as I took Magnesium, which everybody raves about, and it made me feel awful. Not one single side effect either, and I'm sensitive. People say start at 50mg, but I just went straight into 100mg. Truth is, I've always been curious about natural drugs, and was really eager to try it.

I would recommend it for mild cases. It works like an SSRI, but perhaps not as effective. It's for those who want a little more Serotonin, but without the big doses the drugs give you. I'm going to combine it with L-Theanine. They are meant to compliment each other. It's meant to help concentration, and take the edge off things, that will be useful, as my job is mighty stressful.

One thing though, is don't take it if you like a lot of alcohol. One or two beers seems ok, any more and it makes you feel BAD!

I'll keep this thread updated.

Johnny Boy
03-11-2013, 09:13 PM
Thanks jessed. I am taking Wellbutrin right now, but even though it's supposed to help with anxiety, I'm taking it mainly to quit smoking, which should help with my anxiety since nicotine is a stimulant. But once I quit smoking I am going to stop the Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin isn't doing anything as far as my anxiety goes.

But just like you, I'm also very sensitive to side effects of drugs. That's why I'm a little hesitant to try Celexa. I read that the SSRI drugs have withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them, and being sensitive to side effects as it is, the withdrawal symtoms would kill me. I'll try it if I have to, but I would rather try something natural first with no withdrawal symptoms or side effects.

I read some pretty scary stuff on the internet about 5-HTP, but then again, I also read that it's natural and has no side effects, so I didn't know what to believe. If you say it's safe, and that you are sensitive to side effects like me and it didn't have any bad effect on you, then I'll go ahead and give it a try once I finish the Wellbutrin.

03-12-2013, 06:54 AM

Day 4: I actually woke up feeling amazing. For the last month, I've felt dreadful; haven't been able to sleep, nightmares, jolting in sleep. But last night I had some vivid dreams, but they were good dreams, and funny too. Then I woke up, feeling the most relaxed I have in about 3 years. I have a lot on my mind at the moment, which is why I begun this, but I feel relaxed. I'm not getting irritable the way I have been over the last couple of months. Can't wait to add L-Theanine.

Does Wellbutrin actually help with smoking, or is it just something they put on the label to sell a few more units of the drug? You feel it's helping?

Perhaps don't be too hesitant of Celexa. It's been the only Anti-D I've been able to tolerate. It's really safe on the whole too, which is why every doctor in England prescribes it.

This 5HTP seems weird. Everybody seems split right down the middle on it. Some found it completely useless, others found it great. All depends on what neuro-transmitters were causing problems I guess.