View Full Version : Can't tell if I have legit reasons for being depressed or if I'm just whiny

03-11-2013, 04:25 PM
So yeah, I can't figure out if I actually have real reasons for feeling anxiety and depression symptoms or if I'm just a hopeless loser who just complains about things that happen to him without really addressing the problems myself, rather relying on others to solve my problems and never appreciating the good things that do happen to me. I have a good life, so why do I feel this way.

03-11-2013, 05:42 PM
It happens. Some people don't have or need reasons. It's not because they're petty or just complaining. It's actual symptoms felt, something you can't help but feel at times. You're no loser.

03-11-2013, 06:03 PM

Remember we talked a bit for a while, around a year ago? You were suffering from some unwanted thoughts, mainly about guilt, and past events if I remember rightly. How are they now? How is college, have you finished yet?

Truthfully, I think you have as good-a-reason as any to feel depressed. Some of the people that have the most in life, can actually be the unhappiest. It all comes down to chemistry. You've heard of Seretonin right? It's the brains feel good chemical. To cut a long story short, it's basically responsible for moods. Too much of it can cause anxiety, and unwanted thoughts, like you suffered. Too little and you suffer from depression. Unfortunately, many of us on this forum, just have a messed up supply. We use the wrong amounts, and we go through phases of feeling anxious, AND depressed.

There are many ways to fix this problem. It usually depends on the severity of it, and the duration it's lasted for. I'll list a few of the more obvious ones.

- Exercise. This is a great way, and proven to be as effective as anti-depressants, in regulating Seretonin.

- Hobbies and a social life. Activities you enjoy will encourage the production of this chemical. Pursuing your hobbies. Being social with friends. Achieving goals.

- Diet. Certain foods like banana's and potatoes are super-serotonin boosting foods. Reducing white sugar will also help your moods.

- Thinking habits. "Or if I'm a hopeless loser"... You aren't a hopeless loser Okami. You're a bright guy, who has an abundance of compassion. Certain negative thoughts will affect your chemistry. CBT will help you with this, and it's easy to get here in Britain. Do something really interesting - Take a notepad, and carry it with you. Write down EVERY SINGLE thought you have, for one whole day. Every thought. Take up as much space as you need. This will give you such a deep insight into your mind. You may believe things, that aren't true, just because you have been feeling in a bad way for so long. Just because you think a certain thing. Doesn't make it true.

- Vitamins. Ok, this isn't straight forward, but making sure you eat well, and take a multi-vitamin will help you process stress much better. You may want to try a cheap magnesium supplement to restore your bodies balance. Also things like Rescue Remedy can help with any anxious moments.

- Meditation. It's been proven to lower stress, improve mood, and improve Seretonin. How do you do it? Simple. Find a chant you like. Something simple like "Now Calm". Simply repeat this very slowly in your mind, over and over. "Be Calm.......... Be Calm........... Be Calm..........." Do this for 10 minutes, once or twice a day, and it will not only help clear your mind, it will help clear your body too. Easy huh? Sometimes the best things are!

- Medication. You may need a little more help than natural ways mentioned above. You can get so used to feeling a certain way. You may want to investigate trying a low dose of anti-depressant as a last resort. If life lacks enjoyment, and you're unhappy and unfulfilled, and you've done everything mentioned above, and more... Or you're struggling to do this... Then taking a little something to help may be needed to give you a spring in your step again.

You will get better, and be the person you want to be, once you rectify this chemical imbalance you have. This isn't a personality problem, it's just a chemical one. It isn't your fault.

Be strong my man, we're here to help you. PM me anytime you want. I've been where you've been. :)

03-11-2013, 06:10 PM
Thanks guys, it really helps coming to this forum and talking to this understanding community :)

03-11-2013, 07:52 PM
Excellent post Jessed!

03-12-2013, 02:05 AM
I find guilt is one of the worst anxiety starters

03-12-2013, 09:49 PM
It happens. Some people don't have or need reasons.

I get that sometimes, waves of depression sucks and it's confusing when you don't have anything to be sad about.

5-star post btw Jessed.

03-13-2013, 01:57 AM
I find guilt is one of the worst anxiety starters
I completely agree