View Full Version : My anxiety is gone, along with that went my horrible stomach pains and nausea

03-11-2013, 03:12 PM
I am fresh out of recovering from what seemed like "the never ending nightmare". A month ago I got a stomach virus in which after it was gone, ignited my anxiety. I suffered from severe anxiety for 2 weeks after the stomach bug was gone. I kept thinking to myself that the stomach virus would come back and I'd end up in the ER again. Those thoughts would lead to other thoughts and by the time I knew it, it was becoming an obsessive cycle of negative thoughts, thoughts I could not control. Anxiety had taken over my body...

-What if my stomach pain comes back?
-Do I have stomach cancer?
-I missing too many days of work
-My medical bills are going to pile up
-Night time is coming again and I won't be able to sleep
-What if I get addicted to the sleeping aid?
-Will I ever feel normal again?
-Am I going crazy?
-Whats happening to me?
-Why now?

These were the thoughts and questions that kept circling in my head for what seemed like an eternity but it was really two weeks.

What did I do that my anxiety went away? I accepted it, and welcomed it into my body. Even though the anxiety was breaking me down , I was determined to remember and go back to those days when I felt normal. I went back to work, with the stomach pains, forced myself to go to the gym, read books, went out with friends, anything that would help my mind not feed the anxiety. What helped the most was when I decided to spend the weekend at my cousins house. Just the feeling of being in a different room, sleeping in a different bed, made a HUGE difference and it kind of snapped the anxiety out of me. I also prayed a lot to the man upstairs and got in touch with my spiritual side.

Remember, nothing is wrong with you. You are just like any other human on this earth. You just so happened to severely stress yourself out over something that you didn't even know of, but your body sure did and its telling you to wake up! There are some changes you need to make in your life, so do it!

If any one of you ever need to talk, please message me. Even though my anxiety didn't last long, I know what it felt like to have it...

03-11-2013, 03:15 PM
My favourite post of the day!

I like it when people post their success stories :)

03-11-2013, 03:25 PM
You are 100% correct. I wish I could tolerate letting my anxiety rise, peak and repeat as often as needed to prove nothing I fear will happen. Intellectually I know this but when it gets bad...........it all changes to a horrid fear and I never am/was able to cope with it for very long.
But for those who can, recovery is possible!! Congrats!!! Alankay

03-11-2013, 03:46 PM
I apologize, for those who have sent me a private message, I can see them, but i am not able to reply. It says I need to have 10 posts, or something like that... :confused:

03-11-2013, 03:47 PM
Just write a few more posts on here your on 4 get it to 10 :)

03-11-2013, 05:46 PM

I am loving these success stories coming in. This helps show people you can overcome anxiety and it is not a life long disease. You just need to heal your mind and body and create new type of thinking and new habits and face your fears.

Keep these success stories coming!

03-11-2013, 06:09 PM

I am loving these success stories coming in. This helps show people you can overcome anxiety and it is not a life long disease. You just need to heal your mind and body and create new type of thinking and new habits and face your fears.

Keep these success stories coming!

We should really have a Sticky Thread, which is just about success stories. Half the battle is believing you can get better. Seeing people who have gone before you, and overcome what you've been suffering, really ramps up the belief a person can overcome their problem.

[Luke:] I can’t believe it.
[Yoda:] That is why you fail.

03-11-2013, 06:29 PM
That's very good to hear!!, I believe my anxiety started when I had gastarontiritous which I had for 3 weeks! This was 6 months ago and things haven't been the same, I've gone through thinking I've had a brain tumour, to stomach cancer, I've had so many symptoms some everyday some not so often :/, but I think I'm getting there slowly, just keeping myself busy seems to help, but honestly I am so so happy for you!!!

03-11-2013, 07:08 PM
jessed03: :)

alankay there were days when I couldn't tolerate letting my anxiety rise. When my anxiety would reach its climax for the day, I would just let it be and cry for a bit. It's okay to cry. Just know that it will get better. That ugly cloud hovering around will soon leave.

paniccured: thank you, I definitely agree that one has to heal the mind :)

aidendean: my anxiety would cause my stomach to hurt, feel nauseated and bloated. It made me think I had every terminal illness in the world. Even though it was hard, I had to convince myself that nothing was wrong with me. It's all in the mind.

03-11-2013, 07:09 PM
I am diggin the good vibes this here forum is turning out

All will heal!