View Full Version : How do you know...

03-11-2013, 05:37 AM
I appreciate all the advice about how to let go of anxiety and the psychology and biology behind it all but how do you know for sure that it is anxiety and not something else, that you aren't genuinely ill? What about those times? Some occasions it is obvious that it is the symptoms of adrenalin but not all the time. I have health anxiety mixed in with phobias...prompting such a question. For example, last night, I suddenly felt quite faint, out of the blue...anxiety or something else? What if you suddenly felt sick...anxiety or something else? I have had anxiety for 30 years and it 99% of cases, it has never been anything else...yet still that doubt remains. Sometimes I think that despite all the tips and help, people's problems are so much more complex than allowing yourself to float through it.
What do you think?

03-11-2013, 11:29 AM
Well it seems anxiety is bothering you and just when you come to be more or less at peace with something not being physical, your mind brings about another(sooner or later) and it fakes you out. Back to fearing an illness and not realizing it's the fear, worry, apprehension, "what if" thinking that is really the issue. Docs are pretty darn good at find physical issues with today tests and imaging tools. Wait for them to tell you you have an issue and acknowledge to yourself anxiety is up to it's old game. :( Alankay

03-11-2013, 01:26 PM
Thanks Alankay...it always has been anxiety for many many years! Its quite startling what we can do to ourselves by thinking this way, isn't it? In some ways, I guess we would be prepared for a 'real' illness to come along as we'd already experienced most symptoms known to man! Thanks very much for your help :-) I really appreciate it.

03-11-2013, 02:46 PM
I wonder about this a lot. I think it's right to listen to the docs, although most of the time we think we know better!!

03-11-2013, 03:27 PM
Yep, we find it easy to listen to fear and not reason. It has its way of sure getting your attention. Grrrr. Alankay