View Full Version : How do you know...

03-11-2013, 05:18 AM
I appreciate all the advice about how to let go of anxiety and the psychology and biology behind it all but how do you know for sure that it is anxiety and not something else, that you aren't genuinely ill? What about those times? Some occasions it is obvious that it is the symptoms of adrenalin but not all the time. I have health anxiety mixed in with phobias...prompting such a question. For example, last night, I suddenly felt quite faint, out of the blue...anxiety or something else? What if you suddenly felt sick...anxiety or something else? I have had anxiety for 30 years and it 99% of cases, it has never been anything else...yet still that doubt remains. Sometimes I think that despite all the tips and help, people's problems are so much more complex than allowing yourself to float through it.
What do you think?

03-11-2013, 07:01 AM
I believe that most people dealing with this nonsense eventually understand that all the symptoms they have felt, and believed them to be devestating, have never caused them any real issues except for what they thought.

And that becomes a complete waste of time and energy.

Thats why I say the day I truly am having a heart attack, I won't do anything about it becasue I think it is just another anxiety symptom.

I have had so many different symptoms that I believe anxiety can try and fool you into thinking you have every disease and condition out there.

03-11-2013, 07:14 AM
I think that this question raises the importance of ensuring that not only do you have a comprehensive understanding of anxiety, symptoms and your personal triggers, but that you also have a sound relationship with your doctor.

It's really important that all other symptoms are ruled out and a good GP will usually arrange full blood examinations for things like thyroid problems and vitamin levels/potential deficiencies. Regular 6 monthly check ups are important too - especially if anxiety is chronic and ongoing. Monitoring medication, blood pressure and your heart rate will ensure that you have peace of mind and that if other problems are present, then they are explored and eliminated as needed.

Do make sure that in dealing with your anxiety that you treat your body right - something I struggle with personally. Nourish yourself with appropriate food choices without depriving yourself. Exercise - it's amazing what endorphins can do for you and even something as simple as walking for 30-45 min 5 x a week can help combat depression. Get your health checks done; smears, private parts - it's better to have peace of mind about all of this stuff - no matter how unpleasant than to google symptoms and wonder 'what if'...

And even if you have struggled for years, if you believe that you are truly having symptoms of cardiac trouble, go to the ER immediately. It's so much better to be safe than sorry!

03-11-2013, 01:24 PM
Thank you guys. Your thoughts are really appreciated and reassuring :-)