View Full Version : Chest pressure/pain

03-11-2013, 03:43 AM
Hey guys :)
New symptom for me, but I know it's not for a lot of you. I suffer from a lot of different types of headaches (diagnosed as tension, migraine and occipital neuralgia. All at the same time!), GAD, panic disorder and hypochondria but have never had 'heart anxiety' but recently have been getting heavy chest pain mainly in the evenings and sharp pains in my heart mainly in the mornings? Obviously at first I thought I was having a heart attack, but I'm 20 with normal blood pressure and slim. Went to the doctor today (not my normal one) who told me to take some Panadol and it should go away. Anyone else get this? It can also feel like a burning (but not heart burn). Feeling very defeated. Was just getting over my hypochondria about headaches and now I have this to deal with. I've been coping with diazepam. Any ideas/experiences would be appreciated :)

03-11-2013, 05:31 AM
Yup I've had all kinds all chest pain since I was diagnosed with GAD. Everything ur describing are symptoms of anxiety unfortunately, I hate it to

03-11-2013, 06:48 AM
I get the exact same, pains in my heart are very worrying but have been told its just anxiety! And diazepam is one of the best drugs ever! Haha, but unfortunately it's very addictive and is said to be harder to come off than heroin! So make sure you don't get to addicted!

03-11-2013, 07:00 AM
Yes, I get chest pain and pressure on and off....it is due to anxiety....definitely not the best feeling

03-11-2013, 07:14 AM
I had a whopper of a shooting pain go through my chest last night.

All my chest pains and heart skips and flutters go away once I start breathing with my belly and not with my chest.

Shallow breaths = so many chest area related discomforts.

You're fine.

03-11-2013, 10:31 AM
I just started getting them about 6 months ago. Scary as hell!!! The flutters are the worse, because they keep me up at night! They are the reason, even though I am very tired at night, I am scared to fall asleep. It is amazing how it seems the second you close your eyes, a flutter happens, and you wake up suddenly afraid you are having a serious heart problem. After the flutters, is when I get the actual chest pain. It can be in the middle, the right side, or the left side? It can be sharp, and painful, or heavy and annoying. It can last a little as a second, and not come back for half a day, or it can go on for two to three days. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

03-11-2013, 12:51 PM
Same here!!!!!!!!!

03-11-2013, 01:00 PM
Same here!!!!!!!!!

Hows your cold bro? all gone?

03-11-2013, 02:42 PM
Thanks for the info guys. It's funny because I've always had no problems sleeping, although I totally understand the fear of not waking up.. Sometimes I make my partner stay up until I fall asleep. Lately I've been sleeping A LOT I'll start to get really heavy eyes around 8-9 o'clock! Then it still be a struggle to get out of bed at 6. Wondering if its just the diazepam combined with the fact that GAD is very exhausting. Always want to take a nap after a panic attack. Haha.

03-11-2013, 03:23 PM
Hows your cold bro? all gone?

Kind of lol :( is better now but since then beginning i start feeling dizzy , like out of balance and i never felt that before, so i got a panic attack cause i tough i was gonna pass out ,i also caught a lot but is dry , but i dont let my self down i try to relax n breath , thank you for asking!!!!!!! how you been ?

03-11-2013, 03:27 PM
Kind of lol :( is better now but since then beginning i start feeling dizzy , like out of balance and i never felt that before?

I got that too after my cold! It's your middle ear, nothing to worry about and will go away :)

03-11-2013, 03:38 PM
Kind of lol :( is better now but since then beginning i start feeling dizzy , like out of balance and i never felt that before, so i got a panic attack cause i tough i was gonna pass out ,i also caught a lot but is dry , but i dont let my self down i try to relax n breath , thank you for asking!!!!!!! how you been ?

Yeah Ivere is right. Don't worry about that dizziness!! I have that too after my colds, I had a bad cough. Made me really dizzy, made my heart also go to 130!!! I didn't like it, cold makes your body do strange stuff! I'm ok now though man, thanks.

Keep relaxing, and breathing, you'll be fine, you are doing right stuff!! :)