View Full Version : Overcoming anxiety panic an depression

03-10-2013, 10:38 PM
Has anyone got through this terrible demon without prescription medication??? If so please tell me how... I really don't want to take medication

03-10-2013, 10:46 PM
I am at the moment, but it still makes it appearance every once in a while. I am using natural remedies and supplements.

03-10-2013, 10:53 PM
I am at the moment, but it still makes it appearance every once in a while. I am using natural remedies and supplements.

That's awesome! What natural remedies an supplements? I am seeing a herbalist next week an I'm hoping it works

03-10-2013, 11:10 PM
I am taking a homeopathic remedy called arsenic album. There are different remedies for different symptoms of anxiety. But that remedy fit my symptoms the best. Also Calms Forte to help me sleep by Hylands. I eat really well, take a good whole foods vitamin, fish oil, and calcium/magnesium supplement.

03-10-2013, 11:16 PM
I am taking a homeopathic remedy called arsenic album. There are different remedies for different symptoms of anxiety. But that remedy fit my symptoms the best. Also Calms Forte to help me sleep by Hylands. I eat really well, take a good whole foods vitamin, fish oil, and calcium/magnesium supplement.

Brittleighhh You are so beautiful =] And stephanie I am also in the process. I dont think I have depression. But you do sometimes get the moods where you are down in the dumps but it is not 24 7. I'm trying to use the linden method at the moment.

03-25-2013, 04:20 PM
I am taking a homeopathic remedy called arsenic album. There are different remedies for different symptoms of anxiety. But that remedy fit my symptoms the best. Also Calms Forte to help me sleep by Hylands. I eat really well, take a good whole foods vitamin, fish oil, and calcium/magnesium supplement.

Hi, I hope you have stopped using homeopathy all together. In the first place, rigorous clinical trials and systematic scientific analyses of research on homeopathy has found little evidence for homeopathy as an effective treatment for any condition. Furthermore, you are risking your health because of drug interactions and other unknown reactions as a result. Also, given the lack of any benefit found in research studies for homeopathy you are basically throwing your money away.

03-25-2013, 04:29 PM
Yes there are multiple people on this site that has. In my opinion, prescription drugs may be used or may not be used, but still one needs to overcome it naturally at some point anyway. I became somewhat addicted to Klonopins so I was trying to overcome anxiety while going through Benzo withdrawal which made everything more difficult. But the point is, many people have anxiety disorder, then get past it, and so can you.

03-25-2013, 05:15 PM
Yes there are multiple people on this site that has. In my opinion, prescription drugs may be used or may not be used, but still one needs to overcome it naturally at some point anyway. I became somewhat addicted to Klonopins so I was trying to overcome anxiety while going through Benzo withdrawal which made everything more difficult. But the point is, many people have anxiety disorder, then get past it, and so can you.

You have no idea about what I can and cannot get over . You know nothing about my history and obviously very little about the neurohemistry of the human brain. I have been dealing with anxiety attacks and panic attacks for decades. In addition, I have several other psychiatric diagnosis. Of course, I am very well aware of the benefits of exercise and meditation for example. I have tried everything but my neural pathways and neuro chemistry in addition to my early life and growing up years have had a major, major role in my anxiety. I need help to reset my neural pathways for starters which is what I am seeking now on top of decades of therapy and psychiatry. I have made tremendous progress yet I still get severe anxiety/panic attacks. Medication has been helpful .,.,..you obviously have a much milder version of anxiety which may be over come but don't tell me something that you know nothing about

03-25-2013, 06:19 PM
Ok you misunderstood everything I said. Have fun!

03-25-2013, 09:13 PM
Yes there are multiple people on this site that has. In my opinion, prescription drugs may be used or may not be used, but still one needs to overcome it naturally at some point anyway. I became somewhat addicted to Klonopins so I was trying to overcome anxiety while going through Benzo withdrawal which made everything more difficult. But the point is, many people have anxiety disorder, then get past it, and so can you.

Ok, you posted a reply to my message and said that I ,I misunderstood everything that you said. That is certainly possible. However, your last sentence is clearly stated

"..the main point is, many people have anxiety disorder, the get past it, and so can you". I replied to your "main point". How did I misunderstand that? Perhaps you totally misunderstood my reply because I said it does apply to me. And, and how do you know that many people get past it [anxiety] ? Can you cite a research study that demonstrates this???

03-25-2013, 09:16 PM
You ask if anyone has gotten past anxiety without meds, so I answered you that multiple people here has. I do not need a research study because I have got past it myself, and other people here post how they got past it too. Research study? I then said so can you get past it. If you have a problem with that, then I don't know what else to say.