View Full Version : My personal cure from Anxiety

03-10-2013, 05:23 PM

I thought I would share my experiences and eventual cure of my anxiety without medication or courses, therapy or otherwise, I hope that it might help some of you to try these steps and see if it works for you.

My panic attacks and anxiety stemmed from sharing with a landlady who tried to kill herself while I sub rented with her. I developed symptoms like rapid pulse, palpitations, lack of sleep and constant fatigue, I began to worry about my health, my mortality and unhealthy obsessions with my safety.

It was a horrible time but over the course of 2 years I have gotten myself back to how I was with normal fear and adrenaline rushes if something truly scares me like a horror movie.

Here is what I did...

I decided that I needed a long period of calm as if I was resetting myself, at least a month where I avoided any situation I was uncomfortable with, like a convalescence really.

I read only positive news on anxiety relief, symptoms I had were just feelings of anxiety and nothing life threatening.

Once I had my peace I then thought back about the incident I mentioned and stopped thinking the worst about the situation and that it was a fact of life I wasn't in control of.

I then started shocking myself in putting myself in awkward situations to get feelings of adrenaline rushes again such as socials, making a fool of myself, snowboarding, driving fast etc, anything that gives you a rush but knowing that the rush is all it is, it subsides.

I get little anxietys from time to time like work stress but I also do gym and yoga workouts when I feel stressed.

Over a period I have started to feel normal again, replacing negative thoughts immediately with positive ones.

I feel loads better, still have a bit of insomnia but then I always did.

Playing music and appreciating art also helps as well as animals.

I hope it helps someone, best of luck.

03-10-2013, 05:30 PM
That is great to hear.

I agree with you that once you stop fighting anc accept those feelings and symptoms as anxiety, you are more than halfway there.

03-10-2013, 05:32 PM
Thanks Nixon, that is exactly it, it's amazing how your mind can expand fears into even greater fears.

03-11-2013, 04:30 AM
Congratulations! Welcome to the other side! It's much better here, isn't it? Excellent work!

You used your WILL to overcome FEAR. You tapped into the intelligent and logical part of the brain that understood what the anxiety actually was, not some exotic disease but uncontrollable adrenaline rushes. You then used your will and courage to face your fears. By doing this you established new habits and new thinking patterns and you ACTED AS IF you didn't have anxiety and then your mind and body eventually made it come true. You did yoga which I tell people to do 2-3 days a week. Also important is by establishing calm and peace, you allowed your nervous system to heal.

See everyone! He is no better than any of you. He just DID IT and followed through! If you are on medication or not, you will need to jump on the healing path and move forward until you get to where you want to be. It isn't meds or no meds, it is if you are on meds or not, you still have to do a long-term TRUE healing plan. I did what this guy did, but I added supplements, therapy and any other type of technique I could get my hands on. Actually, it's kind of fun and enjoyable taking time out of your life to heal yourself and make your life better.

Post more about it Dibbler. AWESOME!

03-11-2013, 04:40 AM
Congratulations! Welcome to the other side! It's much better here, isn't it? Excellent work!

You used your WILL to overcome FEAR. You tapped into the intelligent and logical part of the brain that understood what the anxiety actually was, not some exotic disease but uncontrollable adrenaline rushes. You then used your will and courage to face your fears. By doing this you established new habits and new thinking patterns and you ACTED AS IF you didn't have anxiety and then your mind and body eventually made it come true. You did yoga which I tell people to do 2-3 days a week. Also important is by establishing calm and peace, you allowed your nervous system to heal.

See everyone! He is no better than any of you. He just DID IT and followed through! If you are on medication or not, you will need to jump on the healing path and move forward until you get to where you want to be. It isn't meds or no meds, it is if you are on meds or not, you still have to do a long-term TRUE healing plan. I did what this guy did, but I added supplements, therapy and any other type of technique I could get my hands on. Actually, it's kind of fun and enjoyable taking time out of your life to heal yourself and make your life better.

Post more about it Dibbler. AWESOME!

How do I get rid of negativity & the I can't attitude. I can't help but think the worst