View Full Version : Does anybody else....

03-10-2013, 02:34 PM
.... Feel and discomfort from trying to take deep breaths all the time? I feel sort of blown up in the middle and to the right just beneath the bone, not sure if it's due to the deep breaths or whether something else going on??? Not painful to the touch but sort of uncomfortable.

03-10-2013, 02:55 PM
Under the ribs I meant to state

03-11-2013, 02:40 PM

03-11-2013, 11:30 PM
I do, especially when I'm having a lot of stress. It could also be costochondritis(sp?) you can google it but its just rib inflammation and is made worse by stress and shallow breath or trying to control your breathing. Sorry you are suffering :( Look up mindful meditation too if that appeals to you.

03-12-2013, 07:48 AM
Thank you falconlady, think it may be in my head like the breathing. I've just started poking and prodding my body which I didn't used to!

03-12-2013, 07:58 AM
I got something like this when I had a really bad cough. I was trying to shallow breathe, so it didn't cause a fit.
Falcon lady could be right, it could be due to rib inflammation, or maybe something to do with the muscle near it. My biology is terrible, I'm still trying to imagine which part of the body you are pointing to lol.

+1 for remembering the name Falconlady :)

03-12-2013, 09:31 AM
I get rib pain. Today I had shockingly bad chest pain. But chest pain is very common with anxiety. The fight or flight response gets the heart to pump a lot of adrenlaine filled blood around the chet wall muscles to protect vital organs from impacts. An ingenius symstem. But with anxiety and a constant mindset thinking about fears,d angers etc your muscles wind up fatigued and on edge. Aches, pains are all too common.

I spent 3 months with a chiropractor who said I had "costochondritis". Trust me, it's not really worth the money going there in all honesty. It's very expensive and the benefits are rrather minimal and don't last all too long without constant "top ups"

If breathing deeply is painful then don't do it. Maintain a regular breathing method. The more you focus on something the more likely it is to hurt.
