View Full Version : Difficulty in breathing and inhalers? Do they work?

06-30-2007, 09:25 PM
Has anyone had a feeling of tightening in their chest, shortness of breath when super stressed or angry, upset, ect, and used an asthma inhaler when they are not having an asthma atack?

Does this make it all better? Does it even work? Thanks.

07-01-2007, 04:45 AM
Hi Greenleaf, this is a really good question. I have always wondered about this myself, and the last time I had a really tight chest I had a puff on my girlfriend's ventolin. Unfortunately it did not help me.

After reading up on what ventolin does, it losens the muscles that contract around the airways, which I figured is the same thing that happens when your having an anxiety attack.

Anyone else tried the asthma inhaler with success??

07-01-2007, 10:23 AM
Hi there,

I have tried the ventolin inhaler too (it belongs to my daughter) and I sort of thought it helped me a little bit, but I think it may have been the idea that it would work , like the 'placebo' effect. I think when your having an anxiety attack with the tight chest and breathless feeling anything that encourages you to take a deep breath and just stop for a second has got to be worth a try?