View Full Version : Safe words to make you feel better

03-10-2013, 07:12 AM
Anyone do this?

If I feel anxiety coming on I usually say to myself "clear" (as I've been cleared of everything)

And "this is a new you"

03-10-2013, 11:25 AM
Yes, I do the self-talk thing a lot. It literally will go like this:
Mind: Here's a bad thought to screw you up today
Me in my head: Go away, I don't want to hear it. It's not true.
Mind: I'm going to force you to think about it and it's going to bother youuuuuuuu. You know it's going to itch at you until you think about it!
Me in my head: No, motherfucker. I don't want to think about that.

Then usually I have to think about the thought because it bothers me and I get really curious about it...but throughout the thought I will try to find evidence that it's not true. Then I get caught up in testing the thought in my head and seeing how I feel, etc. It can last all day. Sometimes I find good enough evidence, other times I seek reassurance about 100x before I feel okay again, and then there's that day where I'm convinced it's true because the thought didn't make me feel bad so that must mean it's true (I know that's illogical). But sometimes I can let it go or I forget about it because something distracted me. I always try to remember what it was and sometimes I remember and think about it because it's so tempting to test it and other times I don't have the energy to try to remember.