View Full Version : Whats your biggest problem anxiety?

Jamie Matthewman
03-10-2013, 03:15 AM

I'm keen to understand how anxiety is getting in the way of a normal life or stopping you doing what you want. so Im curious what your biggest problem with anxiety is...

Be great to read your answers and thank you for sharing :)


03-10-2013, 03:43 AM
Mine is going out and being around strangers.

03-10-2013, 03:45 AM
To many ppl out there that dont want to understand what us ppl go through!! Rejection :'(

03-10-2013, 03:46 AM
My fear is the fear of a panic attack .. I feel like I can't breathe 24/7... I can't drive my car for fear of having a panic attack n loosing control. Same for shopping.... Every single day is a struggle. My body is so tired. My ribs hurt from constantly trying to get that deep breath. I can't sleep. I don't eat, it's never ending :(

03-10-2013, 04:12 AM
My fear is the fear of a panic attack .. I feel like I can't breathe 24/7... I can't drive my car for fear of having a panic attack n loosing control. Same for shopping.... Every single day is a struggle. My body is so tired. My ribs hurt from constantly trying to get that deep breath. I can't sleep. I don't eat, it's never ending :(

My ribs are hurting right now too for trying to take deep breaths.... I can't breathe at all right now.... it's 3am in California an I'm wide awake!!!! I feel for you :(

03-10-2013, 04:21 AM
My ribs are hurting right now too for trying to take deep breaths.... I can't breathe at all right now.... it's 3am in California an I'm wide awake!!!! I feel for you :(

It sucks hey... It's 9:20pm here in Australia n I can't even relax enough to feel comfortable. I hope u are ok Stephanie

03-10-2013, 04:41 AM
It sucks hey... It's 9:20pm here in Australia n I can't even relax enough to feel comfortable. I hope u are ok Stephanie

It sucks because this happens to me a lot an I know it's anxiety but in a way I really do think something unhealthy is wrong .... I hope you can relax an get a good night rest

03-10-2013, 05:02 AM
It sucks because this happens to me a lot an I know it's anxiety but in a way I really do think something unhealthy is wrong .... I hope you can relax an get a good night rest

I'm the same always thinking something serious is wrong. I just can't get the negative thoughts to go away... I'm here anytime u need to chat, I don't sleep much theese days. I'm either awake feeding my 5 month old bubby or awake with anxiety :(

03-10-2013, 05:34 AM
I'm the same always thinking something serious is wrong. I just can't get the negative thoughts to go away... I'm here anytime u need to chat, I don't sleep much theese days. I'm either awake feeding my 5 month old bubby or awake with anxiety :(

Thankyou so much an same to you :) if you don't mind me asking did you have pospartum? Everyone in my family is so negative with my anxiety I've had it for about 7 years but rarely like once a month or even 3 times a year I would have a bad attack.... But April 2013 will be a year since I've had it BAD! An I mean bad weekly sometimes daily I think something's wrong with my brain heart stomach arms throat or i have cancer tumors diseases im going to faint end up in a crazy hospital i cant drive shop eat what i use to! i mean everything is wrong... April 2012 my son was 7/8 months old my friends an family are convinced its postpartum an I'm depressed with becoming a new mom..... But I've read on postpartum my son never ever depressed me its my health that I'm worried about an leaving him without a mommy if I die! But then I question if I'm In denial an I am suffering postpartum all of this literally drives me crazy :_(

03-10-2013, 05:41 AM
Thankyou so much an same to you :) if you don't mind me asking did you have pospartum? Everyone in my family is so negative with my anxiety I've had it for about 7 years but rarely like once a month or even 3 times a year I would have a bad attack.... But April 2013 will be a year since I've had it BAD! An I mean bad weekly sometimes daily I think something's wrong with my brain heart stomach arms throat or i have cancer tumors diseases im going to faint end up in a crazy hospital i cant drive shop eat what i use to! i mean everything is wrong... April 2012 my son was 7/8 months old my friends an family are convinced its postpartum an I'm depressed with becoming a new mom..... But I've read on postpartum my son never ever depressed me its my health that I'm worried about an leaving him without a mommy if I die! But then I question if I'm In denial an I am suffering postpartum all of this literally drives me crazy :_(

We are very similar.. No mine isn't post partym. I've had panic attacks since I was 14. I'm 35 now & they became worse when my father committed suicide in 1998. That's when I was put onto Zoloft. Usually my panic attacks are managed but when I hit stressful times they come out in full swing. Obviously when we have a baby our hormones run wild so that may also be a contributing factor. I'm hoping my increased dose kicks in soon..

03-10-2013, 07:21 AM
I put me out of the cockpit where I belong. Flying was almost as easy as walking for me and I wanted to be a pilot since I was a child. Even outside the cockpit it effects me at work because of the symptoms of social anxiety. I can use meds in my current field so do OK but can't for flying so.......... can't/don't fly anymore. Alankay

03-10-2013, 07:44 AM
Everyone thinks I have post pardum also but its not I think ur hormones just make ur anxiety and panic 10 times worse I couldn't sleep at all last night due to everytime I was almost asleep I would wake up gasping for air :( it sucks I deel like I constantly have to force myself to breath and sometimes I dunno if I'm breathing right

Jamie Matthewman
03-10-2013, 07:52 AM
Hi Angel eyes,

How do you feel when you're around strangers? Is this fear getting in the way of living the life you want?

Jamie Matthewman
03-10-2013, 07:59 AM
I heard some wise words from someone once, they said to me you can only ever reject yourself. The fear of rejection has stopped me doing lots from approaching girls to reaching out for help etc but I see now it really is more about me rejecting me, thinking I am not good enough or able to cope or worthy. There are people who may not want to understand you but that's there problem.:)

Jamie Matthewman
03-10-2013, 08:01 AM
I heard some wise words from someone once, they said to me you can only ever reject yourself. The fear of rejection has stopped me doing lots from approaching girls to reaching out for help etc but I see now it really is more about me rejecting me, thinking I am not good enough or able to cope or worthy. There are people who may not want to understand you but that's there problem.

Jamie Matthewman
03-10-2013, 08:03 AM
Hi Alan, you write "Even outside the cockpit it effects me at work because of the symptoms of social anxiety" - can you explain a bit more about this?

03-10-2013, 11:44 AM
My anxiety interrupts my daily life because I get caught up in my own mind. I cannot function like 'normal' people some days because I am distracted and so emotionally tangled by my unwanted, intrusive thoughts and fears (however petty or easily managed the thoughts may seem to others). Anxiety=doubt. So it's not so easy with us people who suffer from anxiety to just push it aside. It consumes me. I will not get into or say the contents of my thoughts.

How could I possibly do the things I like, like relaxing outside while drinking tea or getting myself lost in an antique mall with the desire to buy neat things, when I am so out-of-it?
I cannot relax to do the first one when I'm anxious all the time (you can't be anxious and relax) and I don't desire material possessions when I'm being tortured by my own mind. The only thing I desire is to be normal. Those activities don't interest me anymore. I obsess and I have no room for them.
I haven't done the things I like in a long, long time because anxiety is present nearly every day in some way. So even if I were to do them, the time would be spoiled by the rot that is anxiety. There is no more quiet in my mind, it is a racket in there. So that's how it interrupts me doing the things I want. That's the worst part.

I have good days, days that aren't exactly normal but they are good enough for me. I don't have days like I did before this started. I'm not sure if I'll ever be the same again.

03-10-2013, 02:20 PM
I heard some wise words from someone once, they said to me you can only ever reject yourself.

That quote is money.

03-10-2013, 02:35 PM
My biggest anxiety problem, actually one I don't think will go, was my addiction to the intense feelings. I had never known any peace growing up. I lived in the most dangerous part of town, where I was always threatened by gang members, and drug addicts. My family were so poor, we were always fighting to make it through the day, we never had stability. I battled health problems as a kid, and spent my life recovering from a major accident, which wrecked my whole life and way of living up until about 22.

My appetite for grief and conflict was too large. It was the only thing I had known. Peace wasn't strong enough for me. In a sick way, I craved pain. I needed to be fed on drama and worry, I didn't know it, but I did. My mind was so distorted that no amount of prosperity could soothe me.

Everyday I have to feed thoughts of love and peace inside of me, otherwise the anxiety and anger would quickly take over. I learnt that all the bad stuff you feel is just on top of who you are, and not in place of it. Behind the clouds the sun is still shining.

But I have to remind myself every day.

Jamie Matthewman
03-10-2013, 03:26 PM
I love this

I learnt that all the bad stuff you feel is just on top of who you are, and not in place of it. Behind the clouds the sun is still shining.

But I have to remind myself every day.

To realise that peace exists in every moment, even during what seems like chaos, takes a deep understanding of who you are and life. It seems you have that, and I know how easy it is to forget, and get caught up in the drama of life. Like you say it often comes down simply to habit, taking the path of least resistance to that which we know best - happiness, sadness or something else.

I am pleased you've seen the sunshine, thank you for sharing this :)


03-11-2013, 04:49 AM
Mine is afraid of people leaving to so Do not let people in

04-04-2013, 03:08 PM
Being consumed by my own thoughts n worries feels like I'm on verge of death in my mind

04-04-2013, 03:21 PM
Hi Anthony

How are you. Don't see you much in here. You must be feeling better

04-04-2013, 03:44 PM
Mine is fear that something is wrong worth me and I'm going to die.

04-04-2013, 03:44 PM

04-04-2013, 04:06 PM
Mine is the fear of dying. Somedays I feel as if it's it. Life over :(

04-04-2013, 04:13 PM
Mine is the fear of dying. Somedays I feel as if it's it. Life over :(

Me too moonchild, scares the crap out of me.

04-04-2013, 04:27 PM
My biggest fear is of having a heart attack and dying. Leaving my loved ones to soon

04-04-2013, 05:33 PM
The usual irrational losing control, going crazy or dying during panic. I know it won't happen but ....................

04-04-2013, 07:00 PM
So this is how it works....
How we respond to fear is that our head comes backward throwing off the counterbalance mechanism of the body. The system of poise of course.
When you have anxiety your head comes back and downward and your shourdles go upward. LIike a turtle
There is a technique known as the Alexander Technique. What it does is active the process by which we evolved to stand erect.. The head comes forward and upwards as the torso lengthens and widens... Thereby reversing how we respond to fear in general.

I myself personally has suffered from depression, which turned into anxiety which turned into psychosis, and on and it kept changing as I was put on meds... This is the only thing that really makes sense to me anymore, and it has gotten better...

You can either do it yourself or find a teacher.. with a teacher it will go faster
Intitailly just try to "Allow your neck to be free, allowing your head to forward and upward and let the torso lengthen and widen. all at once and in that process"
Active your process of inhibition when freeing your neck and inhibit any response you may have to this process happening... AND DONNOT FOCUS ON AHIEVING AN END, FOCUS ON THE MEANS WHEREBY.. just inhibition.

There is a books you can read depending on your level of interest in growing out of your illness..
"The Use of Self" by FM Alexander.. its short, hes not the best writer but he solved his own lifetime illness... Doctors and anyone else who would try to cure you only take power away from you in that you can do it yourself if you do as He did.

In my opinion there is Jesus, and there is FM Alexander.. Perhaps he was acting on his behalf.. Cause I think Jesus would say, believe in yourself to beat your own illness.... And the good thing is Alexander Teachers call you student and not patient.. I sort of lost my patients with doctors if you know what I mean

04-05-2013, 06:03 PM
I know im not going to die (now) but i just hate the feeling. My worst fear is passing out or losing control. I have a daughter so i always fear passing out with her.

04-06-2013, 03:47 AM
Having a panic attack over the thought of having a panic attack. Might be the most ridiculous thing ever.

04-06-2013, 09:26 AM
worry too much and catastrophic thinking, it doesn't really consume me too much, but there is this ever present worry in the back of my head. It started as health anxiety when I was a teenager, now it's mental health anxiety.

04-06-2013, 10:35 AM
Panic attacks getting bad as went thru a really bad time b4 and it happens every so often ( it seems ) ... But at the moment more so is worrying bowt my health even tho nufink wrong wid me .. Worry bowt not been well then also having panic attack bcz ov this .. Ahhh... Just freaks me out even thinkin on it

04-06-2013, 04:42 PM
My biggest fear is cancer or death. After the ER I felt so much better when they told me I was in great health. Lol, now my head feels heavy and I'm yawning alot. Now I'm fearing brain tumor.