View Full Version : Hopeless

03-10-2013, 01:26 AM
Hi all, I'm really struggling with my panic and anxiety at the moment. I feel like a failure. I'm on Zoloft it's been upped to 150mg for the last 14 days n I'm feeling no relief as yet. I've had good results with being on theese meds for over 14 years but when I hit a stressful point I get the anxiety n panic back again. I'm tired... So very tired. I have 4!beautiful kids, my youngest is just 5 months old,a loving husband great friends n family yet I feel so alone n empty... I should be enjoying my new baby but I've lost all enjoyment in life... Advice ??? Help ??? Words of wisdom ???

03-10-2013, 06:27 AM
Kelsta-please stay strong I know it is hard but you have to allow the meds to really get in your system I was just upped to 50 mg of Zoloft on feb 12 and am now just starting to feel some type of relief I still get some chest pains not as many but I get them and I still have some fatigue but it's getting better every day I feel alone all the time even when I am with people so I understand. You are not a failure. You are a strong am amazing woman with a family who loves you and needs you. Keep them in mind when you are feeling down.

Stay strong positive thoughts are being sent your way

Jamie Matthewman
03-10-2013, 07:02 AM
Hey Kelsta,

I know it can't be easy with four kids to look after, that in itself is an admirable job, you're doing great work. Also you need time for you. Is there a way you can find sometime for yourself to maybe go outside and take a walk and appreciate the day? You know you're not alone, it is just a feeling, it sounds like you have a wonderful support system around you, perhaps you can take comfort in that...

It sounds like you're just in a bit of a funk right now, don't hold on to it let it go. Moods are a bit like the weather, they change and come and go unless we get stuck in them, so do whatever you know you can to help you let go and relax. Nothing's permanent, your feeling's will pass as soon as you start seeing the blessing you already have in your life. Maybe you could take a pen and paper and write down all of the things in life you're grateful? It could be your health, your kids, the sunshine, your home etc

You may find the less you focus your attention on the anxiety, the more you'll find the symtoms are less intense. It works for me.