View Full Version : Stressful week ahead of me :(

03-09-2013, 09:51 PM
Ok so trying to stay positive but I know I it's gonna be tough . I normally only work 13-15 hrs a week and this week I will be working 31.75 hrs and already stressing :( I think it is stemming from the attack I had on Friday morning ... It woke me up out of dead sleep shaking crying could not breathe and my body felt like it has a ton of bricks on it ...... I tried yoga and my meditation nothing was working so I had to wake my husband up this was the worst attack I have had in almost 2 yrs . I was begging him not to go to work because I didn't want to be alone. Most of my hrs this week are early which means I will be alone and have to open the bay which is already starting to get the chest pains started since I have to be at work 10 Sunday morning I am so tired but now afraid to go to sleep? I so want this week to already be over .....

03-09-2013, 09:54 PM
Weary u have been so positive in past posts. U can do this, u know u can stay strong..